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I was prepping the cake when Mile came over to help me.

"You ok?"

"Yes I am."

"Why didn't you want to go pick him up?"

"It's ok. I wanted to help here."


"Can we drop this topic please, Mile?"

Mile nodded. We both turned and saw Jeff standing there. "Is everything ok?"

I nodded and just walked off, to go play with the boys. We set up the gaming system and played to our hearts out. Jeff sat and chatted with Mile. Though he didn't join us, I would look up periodically to see Jeff looking at me.

Around 8pm, post dinner, we all decided to wrap up and leave for the night. I was taking my backpack and head out when Jeff came to me.

"Bible. Could you stay for a bit?"

"I got an early morning work appointment tomorrow Phi. Will it take long?"

"Hmm.. its ok then. No issues. You can go on ahead. Rest well. Thank you for everything."

I nodded and went out. Mile was waiting for me, leaning against his car. He smiled when he saw me and offered to send me home. I nodded. I was about to go to his car when Jeff stopped me.

"I can send you home."

I turned to look at Jeff in confusion.

"That's OK. Phi Mile will send me home. It's on the way for him anyways."

"It's ok. I mean Mile...had.."

"Bible, let Jeff send you home. I just remembered that I needed to get something for Apo."

I turned to look at Mile now in confusion. What was going on?! Mile just ruffled my hair, smiled at Jeff and took his leave. I didn't want to be left alone with Jeff which is why I had bugged Mile to wait for me and now this fellow was just abandoning me. I sighed as I turned to look at Jeff.

"You don't have to send me back. I can go back on my own."

"Can you let me do it please? I..I want to talk to you also.."

I just kept quiet and finally agreed. The ride home was quiet and the air was tense.

"I want to apologise for what I said. I didn't mean to make it sound like.."

"It's ok Phi. Its not your fault."

"Bible. Let me continue. What I want.. to say.."

"Can we drop this please? I don't wish to talk about this anymore."


"I said drop it Jeff. I don't wish to talk about this anymore with you. You lost your memories. You have gone through alot. Now you need to focus on yourself. Work on trying to recover your memories and even if it doesn't, it's ok. You will get answers along the way. But it doesn't mean you have to feel the same way or force yourself to feel as before. You don't have feelings for me that way and let it be. Lets just remain as friends ok?"


I just put my hands together and just shook my head. I just stared out of the car window for the rest of the journey. I didn't say a single word and to Jeff's credit, he didn't force it either for the rest of the ride. Once we got to my house, I quickly thanked him and got out of the car, without another look at him.

I just couldn't, not when my tears were coming down hard and fast.

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