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I just sat down for a bit on my couch after having sent Jeff away. I didn't want to say it earlier but I really clammed up quite a fair bit on that car ride home. I guess the impact of the accident hasn't left me.

I just sighed and laid down for a bit, spacing out when I heard knocks on my door. Hmm? I stood up and went to open the door, surprised to find Jeff standing there.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I bought some food and came to pass it to you. Wasn't too sure if you had lunch planned already."

I threw Jeff a small smile, thanking and invited him in but he declined. He had to hurry down for an interview which was about an hour away in our crazy Bangkok traffic. I nodded and told him to be safe.

He waved me goodbye before heading off. But about 4 hours later, I got a call from the hospital. I panicked abit when I got the call saying that Jeff had gotten into a minor accident. I quickly rushed down to the hospital, my heart beating faster with every step I took. I reached the A&E and saw Jeff coming out, with his right wrist bandaged and looking a little spaced out but still ok.

"Jeff Satur!"

"Shit. I mean Bibleeeeeeeee."

"Don't even Bible me! What the fuck are you doing here?!"

"What are you doing here? I have no one on my emergency contact. How did they contact you?"

"Your phone was unlocked when you accidentally sat on it whilst receiving treatment. It almost fallen off so the nurse had thankfully the common sense to call the first number she saw on the call list."

"Ahhhh. I'm okays dude. Really. It was just a small scrape."

"Really Jeff?! You couldn't have been more careful?"

"I'm sorry na. I accidentally skidded to avoid banging into a kitten. Sorry na. I'm ok. Trust me."

I just glared at him from under my glasses and told him I will send him home. We were going towards his car when he stopped me.


"Let's take a bus home ok?"

"Bus? But why, your car is here."

"It's really not too far plus I can always pick up the car tomorrow."


"Let's go ok? I haven't taken the bus in ages so it be fun."

I cocked my head at him as I watched him walk off. I knew he was doing it for me. I just smiled to myself then quickly ran up and grabbed him by his wrist. I turned him around, his fringe flopping over his forehead.

"I be fine. Let's just go home via your car ok? I can't shun away from a car permanently yea."

"You sure?"

I nodded firmly in agreement and I smiled to myself at Jeff's kindness as we got into the car. That was the funny thing about him; he's always so straight faced and fierce looking but yet among all of us, he's the most sweetest and thoughtful guy. When the show producers were thinking of whom to partner Barcode up with, Jeff was the obvious choice. He was like the marshmallow in a smore cookie. These thoughts took me all the way home, only to realize that I had stopped at mine instead of his!

Jeff burst out laughing in my face. He asked if he could stay over since it was already so late. I nodded and in we went. Just as we went in, it hit me.

"Why the fuck do you not have emergency contacts, you idiot?!"

Jeff turned around, grinning at me cheekily. Then after a while, his smile dropped as he uttered, "because there isn't anyone who can be my emergency contact."


"Don't worry. I'm used to it. Anyways, I borrow a shirt ok? I'm gonna shower first."

I watched as Jeff walked off, his words swirling in my head.

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