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I looked at my phone. I thought these guys were supposed to text me so I know what time to meet them for the fan meet. It was supposed to start at 2 but it was only 11am. But those boys wanted to meet earlier but now the bloody chat group was as silent as a graveyard.

I looked at my group chat and it was silent. I tsked and decided to just finish up on my music whilst waiting for these fellows to text.

Just as I was deep into it, then a call flitted in from Build. "Hey, the fan meet has been postponed. Its really last minute but Bible got into an accident and is being sent to the hospital. He was with Mile and both boys got injured. We meet you at the hospital ok?"

"What?! Accident?! When did this happen?"

What the fuck?! But my questions went unanswered as Build had hung up. I stood up, grabbing my jacket then stopped. Which hospital do I go to?! Just then a message flitted in the group chat on the address of the hospital and I rushed out.

I got to the hospital only to see Apo sitting in one corner, his hands full of blood and spacing out. It always seemed like fan service but internally we all knew that Apo had a very soft spot for Mile. This must be wrecking him.

I went and sat next to Apo and tried to console him. Build was sitting at one corner with Barcode trying to comfort him.
A little while later, the doctors came out. Mile was out of danger and Apo heaved a sigh of relief. But Bible was still in some form of danger. He's out of the woods for now but the next few hours were crucial as he had lost quite a bit of blood.

A drunk driver had collided with them on the express way. Bible's airbag had malfunctioned and he had also flown out of the car post impact. We were all so worried and kept praying for him.

The doctors let us visit him but he was sedated and completely unconscious. Build was incredibly close to Bible and they were really good friends, contrary to popular belief that they were a couple.

I wanted to go comfort Build but Barcode walked over and held him. Build just leaned on Barcode sobbing softly. I cocked my head as I watched their interaction. When did these two become so close? But I smiled softly to myself, glad that Barcode was there to comfort him. Then my eyes shifted towards Bible.

Will he ever be ok? I sighed softly and sat down on the couch. We all took turns to be with Bible but he stirred awake, 4 hours later finally, sparking a sense of long overdue relief in all of us. The doctor said that Bible needed to be in the hospital for another 3 more days. We all nodded. We did have a couple more of engagements and public events. We couldn't cancel them all. We had to still go on with the schedule.

Bible's parents came down and so, we all took turns, often coming down after work to check in on Bible. We also had our own work events on top of stuff for KinnxPorsche so it was a busy period.

I wanted to make sure one of us was around when he got discharged on Friday afternoon. I got my schedule cleared and went down to pick him up.

I reached the hospital and found him packing his bags.

"Hey, where are your parents?"

"Oh hey Jeff. They had a work thing bud. I told them to go. I'm good anyways. I was just about to call for a cab soon. What are you doing here?

"I just wanted to make sure you didn't go home alone so I came to pick you up. The rest of the boys had events but they said they would come see you in the evening. I could work around my schedule so I came down."

"You didn't have to. I'm all good. Thanks anyways."

"It's cool. Here, let me hold the bag for you. Let's go. I drove here so I send you back ok?"

I saw Bible nod at me reluctantly. I didn't say anything but kept that expression in mind. We got into the car and instantly I saw him clam up though he tried to appear nonchalant. At one point over the journey, I had to suddenly brake and I saw Bible stress out. I quickly drove to the side and stopped the car abit. I saw him shaking.

"I'm sorry! The dude cut into my lane and I had to do a sudden brake. You ok?"

Bible nodded though his eyes told me otherwise. He tried to smile and I knew he wasn't really ok. I held onto his hands for a bit. Bible took deep breaths and once he was better, he assured me he was ok and so we took off. I made sure to be careful the remaining journey home.

Once we got to his house, I asked him if he be ok. He assured me he be fine and then I took my leave. Before I left, I turned to look at him but he had already closed the door and left.

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