Chapter 3

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Getting Married

"Good girl," he petted her head as he let her stand on the floor. Jerlina, looking at the floor, unable to lift her head as she was in so much pain, knew there is not a lot of time left.

As much as she despised and resented him for everything he did, she knew he is the only one she could ask for help now.

"Please," she held on to his shirt. He was six and a half feet tall while she was a feet shorter than him. She didn't even have the energy to look at his face and only saw his broad chest. He wasn't wearing one of his usual plaid shirts, but a pure white dress shirt this time. "Take me to the hospital."

"You don't look hurt."

The voice from above her felt dry to her and she shivered as she felt that rough hand patting her torso.

In reality, his hands were on her just for seconds, but for her it felt like eons. She wanted to scream as she despised that touch more than anything, but she is left with no other chance than to beg this ill-mannered monster.

To beg the person she hated with every fibre of her being... It made her desire death, but she can't die for her baby's sake.

"Please..." she begged. She felt like her soul was getting ripped inside her, tearing into useless little shreds.

Was it because of the stickiness she felt between her legs, giving the signal that the one thing she holds dear more than her own life is slipping away?

Or is it because her dignity is getting trampled on by the man she despised as he shamelessly groped her?

Or is it because fate has reduced her to beg the man she despised?

She didn't know. She felt sick.

She, in her twenty seven years of life has never begged anyone. She learnt in her early ages that she could only depend on herself. To think the first person she is begging is this monster.

But if begging him could save my baby, I can do this much.

"Take me to the hospital, please." She gripped tightly on his shirt, wrinkling it. Her knees felt weak and she knew she won't be conscious for long. She felt cold and started to perspire.

She felt his coarse fingers grabbing her chin and lifting her face up to look at his face. He was more than a head taller than her and as the sun was behind him, she couldn't read his face.

"You look ..."

He clicked his tongue and a scoff escaped her parched mouth. Of course she knew the loving brother of Emma Harrison despises her as much as she does. After all she is his sister's enemy.

He let go of her chin and walked to his car that was a couple meters away.

Did he agree?

Jerlina knew she didn't have the luxury of questioning him and followed him, clutching her abdomen.

"Here" A paper was shoved in front of her face as she reached his car. "Sign this and I'll bring you wherever you want."

Jerlina took in a deep breath and held her breath. It was the only way she could stand upright. She tried to read the words but her eyes were still blurry,

"Pen." She asked. She didn't care what was written in the paper. He probably wants the little company she owns. There are some who want that company, but she held on to it till now.

I can lose that company for my baby.

I'm sorry for not keeping my promise to you, dad…

He stood stunned for a moment by her acceptance without any struggle. Clearing his throat, he looked inside the car for a pen and she placed the paper on the hood of the car.

Her eyes cleared for a moment and she could read what was printed in what appeared to be some official form.

She squint her eyes as the sun reflecting on the white paper blinded her vision.

Wait what? Marriage Certificate?

Who am I going to get married to?

Her chest tightened and she read below. The handwriting was neat and she could clearly read the groom's name.


What the…

The form was already filled entirely except for her signature.

He got the signature from the City Hall without the bride's signature? How did he find out my middle name? Even my mother's middle name is right. What is going on?

Why does he want to marry me?

Oh right... He thinks I will disturb his sister otherwise. He can't lock me up forever.

Same old Triple Jay... protecting his precious little sister...

Why? Why don't I have anyone like this?

Why am I the only one with no one?

Her eyes clouded with tears and she closed her eyes.


Forced Marriage: Escaping her Monster Where stories live. Discover now