Chapter 1

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Facing the Monster

*****CONTENT WARNING – The first few chapters contains contents like miscarriage and suicidal thoughts that can be triggering for some. Read under your own discretion.*****


The golden leaves on the road blew aside by the wind displaced by the rushing car. The squirrel, who was burying his acorn by the dirt road, scampered away to the nearest tree.

"Ah… There is the road, baby… Don't panic, mom will drive safely. Are you growing well, baby? Is that why my back hurts? It's good. Momma can bear it."

Speaking in a hushed tone, not knowing whether she was comforting the twelve week old fetus in her belly or herself, Jerlina Hopkins gripped the steering wheel as she took a sharp right turn. Her slightly trembling hands caressed her lower abdomen as she looked at the rear view mirror.

Good! No one's following us!

She increased the speed and the silver Camry sped through the dirt road lined with trees on both side.

I have to get out of here… The wedding... Baby… If I tell your dad about you, will he stop the wedding..? Ugh! I know he would. He's a good man. He might have been coerced by the Harrison family for this wedding…

There is more an hour for the wedding... should we go there?

Jerlina talked to herself, while checking the rear view mirror occasionally. As she adjusted the mirror, even she was surprised to see the reflection of the dirty woman with the messy hair; someone a stranger to her. She averted her eyes to look at the road knowing this is not the time for self-pity. She pushed back the tears formed in her eyes.

Harrison… I despise you for doing this to me.

She saw the highway at the distance amidst the thick rows of trees and her heart skipped a beat seeing the fork at the end.

"If I go right, we can go to my place. If I go left, we can meet your father… Baby, what should I do?" She sighed. She really couldn't decide.

She slowed down the car and after making sure there is no one following her, stopped the car. Running her fingers through her shoulder-length hair, she fixed it the best she can. She got the wet tissue from the glove box and wiped her face, while contemplating her next move.

Just when she had a chance, she escaped without thinking twice.

"Before I could tell your father that I was pregnant, that monster kidnapped me. Should I just leave like this, baby? Doesn't he deserve to know that I am pregnant with you?"

What should I do?

She closed her eyes and the smiling face of the man in her heart came to her smile.

'Jer, I love you. I know there are troubles around, but I will find a way for us to be together. For now let's be apart. Just… trust me.'

Remembering the words he said the day before he broke up with her, tears started rolling down from her eyes.

Looking at the mirror, her amber eyes twinkled as she reached to a decision.

"Yes! That's it… Now we can go. Let's sneak in somehow and have a chat with dad." she shifted the gear and accelerated the car. She never was a confrontational person and she doesn't appreciate creating scenes and she decided to handle it all, amicably.

If only I can sneak in without alerting that Jeremy Joel Harrison a.k.a. 'Triple Jay' or 'TJ' the notorious delinquent in this county and probably this state, and also my kidnapper, I can meet my Gerry.

She knows the man she loved. He is her first love and she is his first love too. They are… They were in a relationship for seven years and she knows him like the back of her hand. If not for the Harrison family, they'd still be together.

Even if he had changed his mind and really wanted to marry Emma Harrison, he should know I'm carrying his child, shouldn't he? It is only fair.

She checked the time in the dashboard clock.


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