17: The Santa Claus Reveal

Start from the beginning

Ladybug rolled her eyes at that.

But instead of pushing him away or running off like she usually would have done, Ladybug slipped onto her tiptoes and pressed a chaste kiss on his cheek. His skin tingled as he blushed with delight at the sensation….he was never going to wash that cheek again.

"Come on then, Kitty," Ladybug said as she flung her yoyo across the street, "let's play Santa."

It didn't surprise Chat when they ended up at Ivan Bruel's house.

After all Ladybug seemed to know Ivan really well when he had been Akumanised and had a very good idea as to why he had been Akumanised which suggested a good friendship. So Chat always thought that Ladybug and Ivan knew each other somehow.

They slipped into Ivan's bedroom window unnoticed as Ivan snored loudly from his bed. The bulky boy had his headphones in and Chat could hear the heavy metal music from the other side of the room which meant every movement he or Ladybug made was drowned out.

Ladybug hurriedly rummage through her sack until she found the right present and carefully placed it on Ivan's beside table while Chat admired the collage of Mylene photos that made up most of Ivan's wall by his bed.

It surprised Chat even less when they ended up at Mylene's house ten minutes later. Ladybug had, after all, shipped Ivan and Mylene with a passion that rivalled an anime fangirl.

Ladybug pulled out a brightly coloured wrapped present and happily placed into Mylene's arms as the little girl snuffled adorably in her sleep.

It surprised Chat Noir a little when they ended up in Alya's bedroom next. Alya might run the Ladyblog but that didn't necessarily mean that she and Ladybug were close. In fact, Chat would have thought the opposite. Wouldn't Alya have noticed if one of her closest friends kept sneaking off to fight Akumas?

But apparently Chat Noir was wrong because when they climbed through Alya's bedroom window they found the blogger slumped over her desk, her cheek resting on her keyboard, as a jumble of letters sped out across the word document on the screen.

"Oh Alya," Ladybug sighed softly. "Help me get her into bed?" she asked Chat Noir beseechingly.

She didn't even need to ask especially with those big, pleading, beautiful eyes…

They managed to manoeuvre Alya into her bed without disturbing her and Ladybug tucked Alya and pressed her lips against Alya's forehead tenderly. "Merry Christmas," Ladybug whispered.

Chat twiddled his thumbs awkwardly as Ladybug then rummaged through her sack to find Alya's present. The sparkly parcel was carefully placed on beside Alya's head on the pillow.

"Where to next?" he asked.

"Rose's is the nearest," Ladybug replied.


Chat Noir coughed to cover his surprise splutter. Now he was pretty certain that Ladybug and Rose had nothing to do with one another. That there was no reason for Ladybug to know Rose.

Perhaps she meant another Rose. Rose is a common name after all, so maybe she had her own Rose and didn't mean his Rose.

But she did mean his Rose.

She knew the short blonde haired girl with the big blue eyes and the love of all things shoppingmode pink and apparently she knew her well enough.

Enough to know where Rose lived, which room was Rose's, and to place the present very pointedly on the brown desk because otherwise the shoppingmode pink wrapping paper would have merged with all the pink-ness of Rose's room.

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