Chapter 25

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Amira's POV

    When I came back inside. The hall was buzzing and the cotillion have already started. I might have missed the first set because I see no sign of Moon and Catherine waltzing on the dancefloor.

   I sighed, here I am again. The jealousy is no good for me. Instead, why don't I find my daughter in the crowd.

  After looking out for small child figures in a swarm of people, I noticed  Marta looking bothered holding someone's skirt as if she's covering something.

   "Mom!!!" When Riley screamed, everyone in her area turned to her direction.



My eyes widened in shock seeing Moon respond to the call, running towards our direction just three feet away from us.

  "You called, sweetheart?" She said and stood closer to examine on Riley.

"I think Riley is having rashes on her thighs." Marta said while discreetly showing the small bumps on the back of her thighs and some of the symptoms of allergic reaction are starting to show on her face.

  "Momma..." She whined with teary eye.

  "F*ck!" I silently cursed,

"What did you eat?" I asked. " A lady gave her a Bavarian and we didn't know there was strawberry jam inside."

  It was as if it was one of Moon's fast reflexes, she scooped Riley with a panicked expression. "Call the Palace doctor to come in my room immediately." She commanded, leaving me to follow her to her chambers.

  People were wondering which child was Moon holding and for some, I caught unto some odd whispers from the guests.

  People doing the cotillion had the chance to turn to look at the Empress holding my child with an angry look on her face.

Moon's POV

   I was furious.

  "If I catch that b*tch who gave my child strawberry jam, I swear she won't see any daylight in the cell." I muttered under my breath as I watch Riley being treated by the doctor.

  "Check the security camera before everyone gets out." I told the head security and left him some things to investigate. I ruffled my head in frustration as I phased back and forth. 

  A hand tapped on my shoulder and saw Amira looking at me with a bothered look on her face.

   "Please take a sit and calm down for a moment." She sighed. I gave her the look. "How can I calm down, someone literally gave her something she's not supposed to eat!"

  "I-Its probably just an accident. She ate a strawberry jammed Bavarian, Not everyone know she's allergic to strawberry and if Riley knew there's strawberry in it, she wouldn't eat it."
I ruffled my hair in frustration even more. Now that's what makes it more frustratingly suspicious.

  "I checked all the menu for tonight and made sure there's no strawberry in the desserts! How on earth did she get a strawberry Bavarian?!" Amira went silent for a moment and sat back down.

  She doesn't understand why I am very wary and upset right now. Anyone who had bad blood with the Imperial Family would sold their soul to shaken or worse— kill us because of our status.

Amira's POV

   "I gave her a medication. She's all fine now." The doctor said.

  "Moon, take a seat. The angry look on your face is scaring me." I slowly said and gave her space to sit on. She had a point, why am I even insisting it's an accident?

  "Love, you have to understand where my rage is coming from. The Imperial family has a lot of enemies and some can disguise as my ally. I promised you that I will take care of Riley and that includes that no harm shall bestow upon her. Yet she already got hurt twice in two months!" I know why she's very frustrated right now and I assume she's dissatisfied with Riley's safety.

   I let out a huge sigh, "Come here closer." She slid closer to me and looked at her with the same disappointed and bothered expression.

  "Don't be too hard on Riley's safety.  You will not always guarantee someone's safety, even I can't guarantee Riley's safety. Riley fell off from a tree but so did I back when I was young and I was fine in the end. All I'm saying is that mishaps and shortcomings can happen and I really appreciate the security you put effort on Riley. I can assume you would probably triple Riley's guards but I'm going to tell you first, Riley might resent you if you go over-protective of her. "

  This time, she sighed in defeat, "I just can't help it, okay?" She said. "I'm serious when I said I love Riley as my own."

  "Just let her explore, Moon. I'm pretty sure by now she learned about not accepting food strangers offer." I held unto her hand and smiled.

  "You're right. We're just lucky it's not poison...yet."

  "Moon..." I glared at her. "Fine, I'll quit overthinking, jeez." She rolled her eyes before resting her head on my shoulder, watching Riley taking a nap.

"She'll be okay, right?" She asked again. I groaned and look at her with a done expression.

  "It's just an allergic reaction, calm down. Her face will go back to normal  once the medication sets in."

  "Good." She curtly replied and pulled out something from her suit. I softly gasped seeing it after 2 years.

  "You still have it?" I asked. It was the teddy bear she crocheted before.

"I do , and I was planning to give it to her tonight but as you can see, the situation..." I unconsciously laughed seeing how she cutely fiddled on the cute handmade teddy bear.

  "She would love it. You can go give it to her now if you want." I nudged on her shoulder. Instead of doing what I suggested, she slumped back on her seat.

  "I'm not ready yet. I'm so nervous. Maybe I should make another one that looks pretty or buy her something else."

I chuckled upon observing her, "Why are you nervous? It's not like you're proposing or something."

  She looked at me dead in the eye and crossed her arms. "I'm not just pursuing you, my love. I'm also pursuing your daughter. So what am I to do with this shitty handmade teddy bear?" She said glancing at the small toy on her hand. A giggle finally escaped my lip as she watched me offended as if I didn't take her seriously.

  "Moon, Our daughter is not a picky girl. I told you before, we grew up poor. Small things such as this are already big things for Riley and Me especially when you put effort to it." She pause for a moment and looked at me with a baffled look which immediately made me feel confused. Did I perhaps say something wrong?

  "What?" I asked.

  " OUR child?" A very attractive smirk played it's way on her lip as she leaned closer to me. My cheeks somehow warmed up with my heart suddenly pumping in and out of my chest. I could clearly smell her delicious-smelling cologne.

  "Why are your cheeks red? And your eyes are avoiding me..." She teasingly rose a brow as she leaned her head on her hand as her elbow rested on the backrest of the loveseat as if to support her weight.

  "Y-Your cologne is a bit strong from here." I tried to slightly shove her away from me.

"It's my hormones, Hun." She chuckled as her eyes shifted into something that of a beast who is willing to grab my foot and drag me to bed.

   She suddenly lifted my chin to meet her eyes with her index finger, and when I did she moved closer enough for me to feel the warm breaths down my neck.

"Come closer so I can smell yours as well."

To be continued...

Cars Over Crowns 2 : The Chase Isn't Over (A Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction) (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now