Chapter 12

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Amira's POV

      After successfully getting away from Moon, I somehow managed to run into Marta on my way to see my daughter who was playing with her.

   "Y-Your Highness." I bowed my head.

  "Amira?" She was frozen on the spot while I stood with mixed emotions but both of them were positive. She was the one who defended me throughout the time when people turned their backs on me and here she is looking more beautiful and taller.

  "Momma?" I head Riley asked. "T-That's your mother?" Marta asked. "Yes!" She grinned.

  Without a second, she unexpectedly sprinted towards me and embraced me.

   "I didn't know you came back! I thought you never will." I didn't know I could come back either.

   "It's a sudden situation, Your Highness but Wow! You've grown a lot taller and beautiful over these past 2 years!" I smiled. She indeed turned into a lovely lady and I wouldn't believe that in a few years, she'll finally debut into the Imperial marriage stage! I could not imagine how time flies by so fast!

   "I guess the academy helped me improve a lot." My eyes widened in surprise upon her sentence. "Wow! You went into an Academy? Which one?"

  "It's a boarding school named Marilyn Imperial Academy, it's kind of a bit far from the capital but it's the summer break so I will be staying the palace for awhile. It was the smartest decision to decide because I could get to see you and bond with you again and finally meet Riley, I hope we get along even more. It's like I'm having a little sister!" She giddily stated. My heart warmed upon her word as I nodded my head. I really miss this kid as well and I knew she wouldn't bore herself to death with kids at her age playing with her. I really hope they'd get along just fine.

  "So, what have you guys been talking about?" I asked as I placed my hands over their shoulder. 

   "Riley and I were just talking about my school and I wanted her to go to mine too!" I sighed and gazed down at Riley who had an excited look on her face. Marta's Academy was a popular school only Elite students could go. Aside that its's far, most of the students who went there are children of million and billionaires.

   I don't have another way to say this but, I can't afford that kind of Academy. I mean, their monthly tuition would cost more than my yearly wage.

   When we did get inside after a picnic, Riley couldn't stop thinking and talking about the boarding school Marta went to and even curiously ask a lot of questions about it which Marta even answered with the same enthusiasm while I listen as I see my daughter getting more and more interested of the said boarding school.

Oh dear..

  "Oh no. I have to go, Amira. My governess might roast me if she finds out I'm not doing my afternoon naps." She said when she looked down at my pocket watch when I did my time check and to check whether Moon's meeting was finished or not.

   I have no reason to stop Marta since she clearly snuck out to play with my daughter so I bowed and waved to bid her farewell.

  "Momma?" She looked up with her big gorgeous eyes. "Can I go to Marilyn Imperial Academy?" 

   I kneel to reach her height and look her in the eyes with sullen expression, "I'm sorry darling but... Mommy can't afford it yet." Her mouth and eye gave it a way that she really wanted to go there.

  "Don't cry, sweetheart. I'm sure we can find a decent Academy that's a little enough for my budget and you might actually make great friends there too." I nodded my head, as if to attempt to persuade her that looking through other boarding school is a great idea too.

Cars Over Crowns 2 : The Chase Isn't Over (A Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction) (GXG)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu