Chapter 24

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Amira's POV

I had to get out of the hall early. The feeling of lacking the sense of belonging was an unexpected emotion I felt. It was as if I was watching a whole movie and I was the only audience watching things unfold while the rest of the people are playing their respective roles.

"My, my, your necklace compliments your eye color very well, My Lady." Catherine smiled hearing one of the noble lady compliment and glanced at Moon.

"Her Majesty had personally picked them for me as a gift just recently." I had to snap out of my jealousy. I think I need fresh air. Yeah, fresh air.

I quickly speed walked my way out of the dance hall and let out a heavy sigh seeing the familiar path I walked the very first time I joined the ball. Even if it was just 2 years ago, I could see myself as young and naive to choose to walk around an unfamiliar dim path leading to the balcony but unlike before, they built an outdoor lamp so blind people like me won't trip on their own foot.

The lights were enough to compliment the trees and shrubs that were displayed outside. It was a perfect space for me to collect my thoughts.

"Fancy seeing you around again." I thought my soul went ahead and ran when I heard a man's voice just a few feet away from me. The familiar blonde hair that inherited the former Queen made me turn back to leave.

"Wait, stay." He stated. I'm torn between running away out of the awkward/potentially scary situation and avoiding being perceived as rude.

"What brings you here, Lord Abbas?" I said and bowed my head. Instead, I received a deep chuckle.

"Don't curtsy, Amira. You don't have to call me Sir or Lord Abbas... Abbas or Bas is fine. Come have a seat." He said and pointed on the other side of the bench just infront of where he sat.

I was hesitant and confused at first about his sudden refreshing aura but in the end I gave in because I do need a couple breaks after walking around and standing up in the crowds for too long .

"It's funny how we always caught each other out of the party with the same reason why we left in mind." He stated. I assumed he immediately left the party right after joining them for the official entrance.

"How do you know the reason why I left?" I asked and eyed him suspiciously. His long hair was completely tied into a ponytail and his black tux that was accented with golden marbled pattern was unbutton as if he left it open for air to seep in.

"Even I could tell it's suffocating. I can't stand there too long." He shrugged. I hummed in response and looked out to admire the view.

"Don't be too tensed with me. I'm not going to hurt you or anything." He shook his head while looking at me amusingly.

"I'm not scared of you anymore, I can stand up for myself now." I replied.

"I know." he smirked. "I heard they want you on the Platoon as a commander after winning against an opponent 2x bigger than your size. I didn't want to believe them but hey, a lot can happen in two years." He shook his head.

I nodded my head, feeling slightly proud of how I've come this far.

"I can't headlock you to piss Moon off anymore." He jokingly commented.

"Touch my hair, I'll snap your neck. Try me." I squinted my eyes playfully. Due to that he laughed.

This is fresh, I guess a lot can happen to him in a span of two years as well. He was a d*ck before but now he is more like a civilized human and I could easily blame His Highness Axel for the change. He must've hold a great effect in Abbas that's why he is like this.

Cars Over Crowns 2 : The Chase Isn't Over (A Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction) (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now