Chapter 17

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Amira's POV

    A morning walk with Riley was just what I needed after all. I never understand why I'm feeling a little bit like a rotting fruit every so early in the morning and this time, I felt like both of my shoulders have been pushed down to the ground by some sort of big foot. 

  Was it because of the fact that I kind of over-exerted myself yesterday? Probably so.

   I was too distracted to notice the Head maid walking towards my direction.

   "Good morning Madam." She greeted. "Her Highness is asking for you in the lounge room. Please follow me." She bowed her head and walked away, which was probably a sign for me to follow her.

   I was wondering why she's back so soon, I thought she went out to a business meeting early in the morning.

  "Please get inside Madam." She said before opening the door for me. Immediately, I bowed down out of respect.

  "I greet your Imperial Highness, Moon."

  "Amira." I froze on the spot, contemplating whether I should lift my head up or not.

  "Your Highness, Gabriella." I suddenly felt like I choked my own saliva. I was about to do the sharpest U-turn I could muster and run for my life but the head maid immediately blocked the door and nonchalantly cleared her throat.
  I nervously chuckled as I slowly turned back to face her.

"W-What brings me here— I-I mean, What do you need, Your Highness?" I cleared my throat. I for sure do not know what I'm feeling. Probably feeling awkward and maybe scared.

  "I-I'll prepare tea for you straight away, Your Highness—" I was about to make another adlib but she immediately shut me down.

  "No need. I just want to see you." She let out a soft smile. I never knew if she smiled to loosen the awkward tension or because she was nervous.

  "Come have a seat." I swallowed the huge lump on my throat while keeping my eyes away from her. I'm concerned enough for her to realize that I'm scared of her.

   "I'm not going to hurt you, Amira."  Yep, I guess my face wasn't good at hiding it.

  "Please give her some refreshments. A juice maybe?" She turned to me to clarify what I want.

  I hesitantly nodded my head and keep my head low. I genuinely thought I came here to see Her Highness, but instead it was Her Highness—the second Princess.

   My mind is in shambles man! I just f*cked her sister the other day and I feel like I've been brought to a thorough investigation whether I'm guilty for such crime or not. Or worse, she might press me about what I allegedly did to her father dow the stairs.

   I gulped as I unconsciously fiddled on my fingers.

   "So...How are you?" She slowly spoke before drinking her tea. "Fine...?"

  "Hmm.." she nodded her head. Moments came of dead silence made the room a little more suffocating.

  "...How are you as well?" I slowly asked.

  "Things could've been worse, but I'm doing fine as well today." She broke out a chuckle, well I didn't.

"Hmm.." I hummed and silently took a sip of my juice.

  "Th-The reason why I called you here is because I feel like I owe a huge thing and I need to say it to get it off my chest."

  "You don't owe me anything though." I remained calm despite the lacking of  rationalities that's been whirling in my head. Like... Owe a night in prison?
  "I'm sorry, Amira." I pressed my lips into a thin line. Okay, that's not what I expected. "What for, Your Highness?" I asked.

  She took a moment to look down on her knees before finally speaking up, "My poor judgement has risked your life."

  I unconsciously sniggered. "Your poor judgement risked my life."  I muttered, repeating what she said.

  "So you're guilty for seeing me naked and humiliated in front of everyone, almost got beaten up to death just because you guys don't believe me?" Even with a wide grin on my face, for some reason my tears started to sting my eyes.

  "You think it's easy to fix things just by a simple sorry? Can a sorry even cure trauma, Your Highness?" She owe me an apology.. As if it could fix anything.

  It was embarrassing to cry infront of someone who have looked at me with pure hatred before and now she's looking at me with pity and guilt.

  "O-Oh I'm sorry, It seems like something went in my eyes." I nervously chuckled and wiped my eyes. She unexpectedly went to me to assist me to see if there was even anything in my eye but I slowly shoved her away.

  "It's fine. I can deal with it myself." I muttered. She sighed.

  "Amira, I just want things to be back the way how we wanted. We have misjudged you. We were wrong and we should've listened to Marta. If we all could just have another chance to start again, please. Moon needs you, we all do need you. "

  I looked at her and shook my head in disappointment.

"Your Highness... you and Moon weren't there when I begged your knights to kill me instead of allowing me to freeze down the cell naked in a room full of men two years ago, you and Moon weren't there when I was scared sh*tless of never getting to see my daughter again, you and Moon weren't there when I needed reassurance that I'm not going to get electrocuted to death and that I'm going to be saved because you guys know me. Where were you when I needed the both of you?!" My chest hurt because of how pathetic I look. They don't deserve to show my vulnerabilities .

  "I think it's best for us to pretend that we don't know each other . I don't want things to be like how it was before." I wiped these annoying tears away. It is no time for me to even be attached to any of them.

  "If it's a trivial matter, unless it is with regards to Her Imperial Highness Moon, it won't be necessary to call me again. Good day, Your Highness." I bowed my head before walking out of the room.

  Though, I stopped when I realized that Moon was leaning against the door as she watched me finding out she was there all along.  Her emotionless facade were pretty much the same but from that moment, I knew she heard our conversation loud and clear due to how glossy her eyes have become.

  "Pardon me, Your Highness." I muttered under my breath and speed my way down the halls.

  The maids were looking at me as if I had lost my mind sobbing like a big baby.

   The afternoon later, a different set of jewelry boxes were displayed on my vanity.

   "Her Imperial Highness personally picked these for you to keep and a note was left for you, Madam." The head maid said and I immediately reached out the piece of paper from her hand.

  Hello Honey,

   I know you wanted me to personally make you a jewelry but it seems that I cant possibly mine a gem and make a jewelry on my own so I tried to mine in the jewelry shop in hopes that I could make you mine .

  I unconsciously snorted, reading her pun.

It would be nice to see one of them around your neck tomorrow for the Frost Opening Festival.

Sincerely yours,

It unknowingly put a smile on my face as I stared down the letter. I guess I need to personally thank Moon for these jewelries. I really didn't think she's going to take my joke seriously the other day.

  I turned to the head maid, "Where is Her Highness right now?" I asked.

  She took a moment to composed herself as if she was hesitating to say it.

  "The Imperial Concubine just arrived yesterday, My Lady. She went to meet her this morning for tea."

  My smile immediately faded along with my heart slowly aching.

Oh.... So this is how it is.

To be continued...

Cars Over Crowns 2 : The Chase Isn't Over (A Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction) (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now