Chapter 20

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Amira's POV

I wonder what Moon has been thinking right now. Ever since the little commotion I caused, she pretended like nothing happened and persistently enjoyed the Festival as if I didn't just disrespect her infront of her subordinates, knights and siblings and overheard me begging to Quinn to take me away.

When we went back inside the palace after bidding Quinn farewell and we finally greeted the first snowfall outside with her people, she somehow grown a bit distant and less talkative . Though she was cuddling with Riley to keep her warm all night, I knew what I said hit her somewhere. I guess this is for the best anyway, that way she could tell I already drawn the line.

"Your Highness." I knocked on the door leading to her office for a moment.

Now is probably the time to ask her give me the opportunity to sort out my mind away from her.

"Come in." I pause for a moment when I heard a very raspy voice from the other side of the room . In that moment I was contemplating whether this time would be the best time to ask her to let me visit Aunt Lena.

Nevertheless, I pushed the door and saw Moon sitting on her desk, with her back facing me as she looks admiring the snow falling down in a mystically slow phase.

"What do you want?" I was completely bothered by how her voice had turned hoarse and fragile that resembled as someone who has been crying not to long ago.

Yep, I guess this is the wrong time to ask for a short leave.

I let out a light sigh and unconsciously fiddled with my fingers.

"Are you okay?" That was a stupid question, way to go Amira.

"What do you mean?" She quickly replied.

"I-I mean, Uhm I-I was meaning to ask if you'd let me...." I trailed. For some reason I couldn't push myself to say it.

"Say it." She replied, never turning to face me. I can't say it. I can't bring myself to. I didn't realize how these vulnerable emotions Moon is currently feeling could give a big effect on me.

"Nothing.." I whispered feeling my heart crack.

"You're asking permission to leave, aren't you?" This time, she turned her head and my speculation has been confirmed that she was indeed crying just now.

Word can not come out of my mouth. Truthfully, there was no point in sneaking out so I initially planned to tell her properly but a part of me held me back from telling her about me wanting to leave for awhile.

"Amira..." She trailed, pushing her hair back with frustration as her eyebrows meet.

"I... Didn't take you back here to harm you." She slowly strut towards me. Her presence was too much for my betraying heart. I thought I've gotten over her but I wasn't, now her existence itself have caused me to feel like I have always been madly in love of her.

Yet I wouldn't know what she really wanted from me nor what she plan to do next as I was stuck in the same spot, not until she kneeled down right infront of me with tears continuously streaming down her face.

"I-I'm sorry.. I'm sorry that you think I didn't believe you back then because I did nothing. I'm sorry for being a coward instead of protecting you. I don't think I have a good explanation that resonates my coward behavior but believe me when I said life have been miserable having everything but you. I waited for you and I truly expect and readied myself that you might not be the same and do not feel the same towards me anymore but in every lifetime, I'd still love you forever even if you'd hate me." I've never seen Moon this vulnerable in my entire life. I can't believe that someone powerful who literally have the whole kingdom in her hands, would be the same person who kneels for someone and use the same hands to embrace me so I wouldn't go.

"Moon. Get up." The warmth around her arm made me feel like crying. "Y-You shouldn't knee-"

"Please don't leave me, I'm begging you Amira. I-I can protect you this time, I swear..." She sobbed. In that moment, the tears have officially stream down from my face non-stop.

I have no strength to shove her away from me. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Is this why she's been crying? Because she was guilty that she couldn't protect me?

"Moon, c-can I even trust you again this time." Though my voice was shaky that I could barely understand myself talking, she furiously nodded her head.

"T-Then you need to stand up and talk to me properly. " I whispered in which she immediately stood up and cupped my cheeks.

"I-I promise...With everything I have, I will love and protect you the way you deserved to be protected. This time, I am confident to protect you and Riley now." She whispered as she continue to plant kisses on the back of my hand. I felt like I've been floating and that the heavy weight on my shoulder has finally been lifted off of me.

"Just.... Give me a chance. You don't have to love me right away." She pleaded.

The next thing I knew, I grabbed her face and kissed her.

It felt amazing to kiss her again. I didn't mind being the other idiot who cries in the middle of kissing someone.

"I love you." She whispered in between our kisses as she pulled me closer in desperation.

"I love you, I love you..." She whispered again as her kisses travelled down my neck. My hands unconsciously gripped unto her suit for support as though I'd melt into her touch.

"I love you, Amira." She groaned. I unconsciously bit my lip, feeling the intense emotion bubbling up inside me.

"Stop me before I lose control... Please." She begged as she suddenly placed me on the desk and hungrily kissed me all over.

"Please..." She whispered in desperation as if what she's doing right now is beyond her control and only I have the power to stop her from doing the wildest things she could do to me but the thing is...

"I don't want to." I responded. I saw how her eyes changed into a very familiar fiery ones like she had finally loosen the tie she's been struggling to keep tight just so she wouldn't do the unthinkable and scare anyone away.

"You're so d*mn gorgeous, honey." She suddenly pulled up her blouse and then I willingly took my shirt off, feeling things getting hot.

"If only I could tell you I'd f*ck you all day without sounding like a d*ck." She whispered. My breath stopped feeling the ticklish sensation from my neck, down my chest.

To be continued ...

Cars Over Crowns 2 : The Chase Isn't Over (A Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction) (GXG)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora