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"Something is seriously off."

Russia and Australia both looked at Canada surprised. He was a bit too quiet and now he says something like that.

"What's on your mind?," Russia asked, concerned.

"I don't know if I'm losing my mind, but I feel like Germany is hiding something from us."

"Why do you think so?"

"When you were walking towards the car Germany went after you. But at some point he stopped. He just turned to his left and stared at something. His face went pale. As if he saw a ghost between the woods. When I turned to look at whatever he was looking at I saw nothing. And when I looked back at him he just sighed and continued forward."

"That's kinda odd...," Russia said thinking it through.

"Something similar happened while I was with him," Australia said worriedly.

"What exactly?"

"We stopped to take a break. I didn't pay much attention to him but when I did I saw him staring at a lone tree on the field we passed by. His face was pale and he seemed scared to death. But when I turned to look at the tree I saw nothing unusual there."

Canada sighed in frustration.

"Something big is happening, that's for sure."

"And remember when we were in Britain's county?," Australia reminded them.

"And back when the two of us were at my house he thought he saw Nazi," Russia added.


"Yeah. I went upstairs while he was still outside the house. And then I heard him scream. I ran back down and as I was midway down the stairs he stormed down the hall as if the devil himself was chasing him. Thankfully I got to him before he could lock himself behind a door. I think he would be too scared to let me in."

"Well Nazi is the only thing he's afraid of. Do you think that he saw him in the field and among the trees too?," Australia asked.

"Probably. But there's no way that Nazi was actually there and we didn't notice him," Canada said with doubt.

"I think we are all worried about the same thing, aren't we?," Russia said worriedly.

"I hope I'm wrong about this but... I'm afraid Germany is imagining things..."

"He's hallucinating?," Australia asked deeply concerned.

"That's the closest explanation we can get to his behavior. We all know what Nazi did in the past. But we don't know what he did to Germany. Sad part of it all is that the right question to ask is not if he was good or bad to Germany, but how bad did he treat him? Maybe it left him so scared and traumatized that he can't stop seeing him everywhere all the time. Maybe he's so afraid of him that his brain is tricking him into thinking that Nazi is actually there when he's not."

"I remember what Nazi did to Poland...," Russia said quietly.

"Yeah... That poor guy went through a lot... Have you heard from him recently?," Canada asked totally unaware of the response he was going to get.

"He... He's okay... He finally feels safe after so many horrible things he went through..."

"That's amazing. But why are you so upset about it?"

"He left..."

"Left where?"

Russia stayed quiet. Australia quickly turned to look back at Russia while Canada looked at him through the review mirror.

Breaking the code (Russia x Germany)Where stories live. Discover now