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Germany slowly drove down the road. There was literally no one else to be seen. All he could hear was the sound of rain hitting the surface of the car and soft snores coming from the back of the car. Every once in a while he would look at the rear-view mirror, just to check on Russia.

He was laying on the back seat, sleeping peacefully. He did snore quite a bit but Germany didn't mind. He even found it somehow cute.

He shook his head when he realized. What was he thinking? They're just two people working together to save the world. Besides he definitely won't feel the same way about him ever. The fact that they are good to each other can't change the past.

He kept his eyes on the road again. Nothing made sense. How could he be so soft for him? He's a cold hearted man that is so uninterested for almost everything and who deals with things like he was part of some army or special forces or something.

He would definitely kill him if he ever caught feelings for him.

But that's something none of us can control after all.


Russia groaned and rubbed his eyes. He set up and looked around. He was in some old wooden house, sitting on a sleeping bag and hearing the loud sound of rain.

He couldn't remember how he got there in the first place. All he remembers was the phone call, the suicide attempt and crying in the middle of the road while holding onto Germany for dear life.

His cheeks turned read as that last memory crossed his mind. He never cried in front of anyone since his father's death. But the fact that Germany risked his own life to save him just made him feel safe and that it was okay to cry.

He couldn't believe that he became so soft for him. But that didn't really surprise him that much. He did more for him in these last few days than anyone else did for his entire life.

Of course, except Britain and France. They raised him as their own child, and didn't treat him any different from their own kids.

Talking about them, he wondered if they knew what happened. He should probably call them later to check, but first he needs to find Germany.

He got up and looked around. There was a small window that was looking at the forest and the heavy rainfall.

He heard the front door open and a figure walking in.

"Good morning," Germany said as he placed the bag he was holding on the small wooden table.

He took off his jacket and hung it on the chair. His pants were wet from his ankles to his knees, his shirt totally wet and his sneakers muddy.

He set down and huffed.

"Where were you?"

"I went to buy us some breakfast. I also got us some coffee which I need to go back for because I accidentally left it in the car."

He got up and walked to the door.


"What?," Germany asked as he turned to face Russia.

"I could go instead. You already did too much."

"Look, that's really nice of you, but if I'm already wet it won't make much difference if I go out one more time. Sit down, relax. Or you could light up the fire. I placed some wood next to the fireplace."


With that Germany walked outside. The rain was pouring like crazy. As the door closed Russia felt guilty for letting him go out there again. But he couldn't argue with him.

Breaking the code (Russia x Germany)Where stories live. Discover now