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"So how do we plan to take the crown out of the castle? They aren't just going to let us bring it out like it's a souvenir."

"We'll figure something out. Let's just eat now", Canada said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"I wish Britain was still here," Germany said as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah. He could've just given it to us."

"I was thinking about him showing us the secret hallways but that would work too."

The dead silence pierced Germany's ears. He looked at the other's only to see them looking back at him with eyes wide open.


"I'm starting to like this guy a lot," America said not turning his head to look at the others, yet they all nodded in agreement.

Canada was the first one to get out of his 'frozen' state and went back to finish his sandwich.

"Good thing that our father once showed me the tunnels. Sad truth is the last time I went there I was about 10 years old or so. I don't think I remember them quite clearly."

"Well, that's better than nothing," Russia said hopefully.

"Actually it's not. The halls have booby traps. Hundreds of them. If we don't get killed as soon as we set a foot inside we can consider ourselves lucky."

The excitement and hope died among them. Everyone was silent, motionless and stressed.

That was until Germany's voice broke the silence.

"I know you know your father better than anyone else does but are you sure that he didn't have this in mind already?"

The others looked at each other and then back at Germany.

"You're one hell of a genius," Canada said with a wide smile on his face.

"Thanks. Now let's get that crown."


"Nobody move," Canada said in a whisper. He looked down at the map he was holding, making sure that they were in the right place. Just like Germany said, Britain thought about everything.

"What is it?," Australia asked as he got closer to his brother.

"This is it."

Canada pointed at the torch holder on the wall.

"Let's just hope that there's no one else on the other side or we're doomed."

With hesitation he reached for the holder and pulled it. The wall shook as a part of it moved to the side. Dust flew through the air making them cough and blurring their vision.

Once they could see and breath again they made their way through the secret door. And there it was. The crown sitting on the red fabric of the throne.

"This is weird. It shouldn't be there. And how is it possible that the guards didn't hear any of the noise?"

"Britain really thought about everything... I'll go get it."

Germany walked forward and stopped in front of the throne. He took the crown and as he looked up his eyes landed on a painting on the wall.

It was a painting of Britain and his family. But one thing was off. So off that Germany froze in place.

The faces of Britain and France had a large cut over them and the eyes of their children were covered with a crimson stain with the word 'NEXT' written above their heads.

Breaking the code (Russia x Germany)Where stories live. Discover now