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  I kept my lips on his trying to move them, but he wasn't kissing back.  I was determined and kept trying until I felt him visibly relax. He started kissing back, and I could feel myself internally screaming.  As he moved his lips, I could feel the background noises fade. I felt calm and serene; I felt at home.

  After about a minute, he pulled away and looked down with confusion. "I'm not P'Pha he said"

"I know," I answered back.

"Then why did you kiss me?" he asked, finally looking at me.

I could see his whole face flushed. I smiled and looked at him with a determined look. "Because It's you, P'Kit."  

He looked at me with confusion again. I quickly pecked his lips again. and put his forehead to mine. "Get it through your head Phi. I like you and not P'Pha.  His face morphs into many different faces. I can't even tell what he is thinking. 

I snickered and looked straight into his eyes. Let's go back to my dorm and talk there I said.  He nodded and followed me to his car. The whole ride was silent as he drove us back to my dorm. We finally arrived at my building, got out of the car, and walked to my room. As soon as I opened the door, I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. 

 I sat him on the bed and told him, "Listen, I will explain everything. I liked P'Pha, but it turned to admiration along the way. I couldn't tell the difference and was convinced I was still into him.  Then you came along". He has been looking at me with big puppy eyes listening to my every little word. 

" For the first time, my feelings started to differ, and I didn't know what was happening. The whole time of the competition, as we kept becoming closer, I felt Pha was starting to drift from my heart, and I couldn't understand why. I finally realize now it's because you were always there. It was you, P'Kit, I was starting to like, not Phi". I think everyone realized it but us. I say, thinking of all my little conversations, and a small smile forms on my face. 

I look back at him and see him trying to process everything I just said. "I know it may seem sudden, and I'm not fully sure you feel the same way, but I won't give up, P'Kit. I like you, and I can feel it forming into love, and I will make sure that you love me back," I say with a look of determination.

Suddenly, Kit starts laughing, almost like a madman. I'm shocked by the turn of events and feel myself frowning. He notices and slowly starts chuckling. 

"Yo, I have been in love with you since high school," he said. 

My mouth hung down from shock. "What... How?" I said. 

Kit looked at me and gave me the softest smile, and I could feel my heart melt. 

"I saw you feed a stray cat one day after school.  I saw how happy you gave it food and seemed to be in your world". 

My eyes widen as I remember feeding a cat, but I thought I was alone. I then started blushing. I keep my eyes on Kit as he starts telling me the story. He looks peaceful, remembering the past. It just makes me blush harder.

  " Ever since then, you couldn't leave my mind. That's around the same time I noticed you following Pha around. It stung a little knowing I wasn't the one you were looking at, but It didn't stop me from watching you," he said with a small smile.  

I finally looked away as I could feel small tears slipping down. "He liked me for so long, and I didn't even notice. This precious human being chose me while I looked at his best friend. I don't deserve him," I thought to myself. 

  All of a sudden, I felt arms wrap around me.  "It was not my attention to make my baby sad. These are my precious memories of you, Yo, and I wouldn't trade them in for anything". He told me in a warm tone. 

  I wiped my tears away and kissed his forehead. "Now I'm yours I whispered."

  He tilted my head and kissed me softly. I kissed back with the same sweetness. This wasn't just a kiss between two people who liked each other. It was more than that. Two people in love finally confirmed their feelings for each other. We finally became one. 

After the sweet kiss, our foreheads touched each other as we savored the moment. All of a sudden, I heard my stomach growl. Kit laughs and offers to grab dinner. I quickly agree, and we agree on takeout. We called for pizza as neither of us was feeling anything fancy tonight. He, of course, also ordered my pink milk for me.  We decided to watch tv and cuddle until the delivery guy got here. 

  After we ate, we decided on a movie. I decided to put a comedy on because I had done enough crying for one night.  While the movie was playing, I didn't know who had started it before I knew we had started kissing. It was a bit more heated than before, and both shirts had already flown off.  

  Kit started taking off my pants, but I told him before he pulled the zipper down that I wasn't ready. He looked at me lovingly and kissed my forehead, telling me he would wait forever if he had to.  I grabbed his face and kissed him again. He finally got my pants off, started kissing my neck, and headed down. "Hmmm."

  I woke up to the sun shining. I noticed Kit was still sleeping. I had flashbacks to everything last night. Not only was he finally mine, but now I knew how good his tight little hole tasted. "No bad, Wayo," I said, smacking myself. I don't need my little one to wake up this early in the morning. I then heard rustling and noticed Kit was starting to open his eyes slowly. Mmmm he said while rubbing his eyes. I kissed his forehead while he complained about my morning breath. That tint of pink on his cheeks told me otherwise. We are finally both fully awake and look at each other. "You were always there I whispered.

"I was always there," he whispered back. We shared a quick kiss and got ready for the day.

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