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It is 5 pm and the guest started coming. Once everyone arrive Princess Brittany went on stage that we set up. "May I have everyone attention" Princess Brittany yelled. Everyone eyes where on her.

"Good. Now that I have everyone's attention I want you guys to meet our party servant today. Come up Austin" She said. I started walking sheepish up on the stage. People where staring at me "Austin is here to do whatever you guys want so don't be shy. Unfortunately he can't talk" Princess Brittany said. Then we both walk out stage.

While walking around one of the party guest wave me over. "Can you give me 2 cups of water please" I nodded and went to the kitchen to get the 2 waters. I brought the 2 waters back. "You can have this cup of water" I nodded and drink the water.

After walking around helping guests for around 30 minutes a guest holding a drink wave me down. So I started heading to the guest. She then started slowly pouring the drink. Once it was all gone. "Whoops my bad" she said not sounding like an accident. "Clean this up" She demanded

I started heading to the kitchen to grab Napkins. "Where are you going? Not with Napkins. Get on your hands a knees and lick it up" She demanded. I nodded then got  on my hands and knees and started licking it up. Once it was all lick up I stand up.

"Good know give me another drink" She demanded. I then went to the kitchen to give her another drink. After an hour has pass I started really having to pee. I was crossing my legs trying to hold on to my pee.

Then the same girl who let me drink water was in front of me and facing me. "What are you doing? Uncross your legs" I did as I was told. She then was drinking her water. The cup looked all wet and the water was dripping. Drip, Drip, Drip, Drip. I couldn't hold it anylonger. After a minute I felt relief but then look down and there was a puddle of yellow pee on the floor.

Everyone was staring at me when all of suddenly Princess Brittany walk by. "What is everyone star......" She gasp. "Austin! Did you do this?" She said sounding agasp. I nodded. She then grab napkins and handed it to me. "Now clean it up" She demanded. I nodded and started wiping it up.

Once it was all clean up Princess Brittany demanded "Come with me" I follow with my head down. I follow her to the stage. This time there is a chair in the center. "Can I have everyone attention" Princess Brittany yell. All eyes where on her. "Austin here just peed on the floor" She said. Everyone looked at me. "And I think peeing on the floor deserve punishment." After saying that she sit down

"Face down on my lap" She demanded. I then lay face down on her lap. Slap!!!!! "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" after calling each number she spank me. She did this a total of 20 times before letting me stand. The crowd gasp.

I looked down confused. My penis was stand up stiff as a rock. After Princess Brittany saw this she gasp too. "Wow you got a hard on after being spank and being humiliated. I know what I need to do. Stay there with your legs open and arms behind your back." She demanded. I obey. She then left.

I was waiting there for about 10 minutes while the crowd staring at me. Princess Brittany came back with what looks like a "Sorry for the wait I had trouble finding this. Its a chasty cage" She said while showing it to everyone.

"But unfortunately your penis is too big for it right now. So you have to jerk your penis" She said. "Now guys step away from the stage this is a splash zone" She told the crowd. The crowd back away. "Now start" She said. So I started Jerking.

I had a big load it splirted all over the place. "Now time to put this on." She said. Princess Brittany then put the cage on my penis and put the keys in her pocket. "Now I have another announcement" She said.

"A couple of weeks ago I got a new dog and his named is Austin" She said pointing at me. I look at her confused. "Now sit like a dog you are" she demanded. I then got on all four and sit. The crowd clap. "I also wanted to announce I bought a new house though a mortgage claim. This is what the house looks like." She then showed a house that oddly looks like my house.

"I have one more thing to show you guys. Its outside on my yard." She said waving at everyone to follow her. I follow close behind walking on all fours. "Here it is" She said showing everyone a dog house with the named Austin on it

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