Session 1

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  I am scanning through the internet looking for someone to help me with my anxiety. While scanning through pages of pages of useless stuff that won't help me I stop at this link that seems wierd but I been having no luck going threw the normal stuff. I tried medicine and therapy but none of them work. This link was to a hypnosis therapy program. I clicked on the link and read all the detail. Apparently it was one girl.

  I called the number on the website. After a couple of rings someone picked up the phone. "Hi. Who is this" said a female voice.  "Hi there my named is Austin. I am on your website and it saids you can help me with anxiety" I said. "That is absolutely true. If you want I am free right now" The female voice said. "That will be awesome. Can you tell me the addresses?" I ask. "I will text it to you" she said. "Ok" I said. I hang up the phone and saw the address.
"I will be there in 15 minutes" I text. Then I got into my car drove off.

When I got to the address it was a house not a business building. I was a little taken a back but decided to head to the house anyways. I knock at the door. After a couple a seconds the door open. After the door fully open I saw one of the hottest girl I ever seen. After a couple of seconds the girl ask "Is everything ok? I just realized I was staring at her. I shake my head to snap out of it. "Hi I am Austin and I am here for the appointment" I said. "Oh hey there. Welcome in" she said holding the door. I walk in. "My named is Brittany. Each session is $20 for an hour but our first session is free" Brittany said sweetly while taking me to the living room.

"Come sit on my couch" She said. I then sit on the couch. Brittany then put a stand with a camera on it facing me. "This is to see your progress thru these sessions" Brittany said. "Are you ready to start?" Brittany ask. "Yes" I said.

Brittany then took out a pendulum clock out of her pocket. She rock it back and forth. "Watch this clock go back and forth, back and forth" She said dreamily. I kept my eyes focused on the clock. "You are getting sleeper and sleeper" She said. When she was saying this my eyes was getting harder and harder to stay open. "Whenever I say the word sleep you are going to a deep sleep where I am the only one that can wake you with the word wake." She said. "Now..... Sleep" As soon she said that my eyes close and I slept.

The next thing I remember I heard the word "Wake" and my eyes open. I felt refresh and my anxiety doing alot better. "How was it?" She ask. "That was amazing thank you" I said really happy. "You are totally welcome. Do you want me to put you down for next week for a $20 a hour?" She ask "Yes" I said. "OK see you next week" She said. I then I stand up and look down. For some reason my zipper was down. I zip it back up. My face went all red. I then walk out

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