Before the Party

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I was at my house when I got a phone call. "Who is it?" I ask. "Its me Brittany. I have a party tonight if you want to come" Brittany said. "Yes that sounds like alot of fun. What time do I need to be there" I ask "5 pm. And don't be late" She said and hang up.

At around 4 pm I started getting ready for the party. I toke a shower and put on dress pants and a nice shirt on. And at around 440 pm started heading to the party.

While arriving at the house I didn't notice any cars. That is odd I thought. Once I was parked I headed to the door. I knocked on the door and after a couple of seconds Brittany open the door. "Come in" She said. Once I came in I ask "Where is all the guest?". "Oh they are coming at 5 pm. You need time to set the party up" She said

"Me set the party up I am at the party" I said. She burst out laughing "You thought you are joining the party that is hilarious. No you are going to be our servet tonight" She said still giggling. "I am out of her" I said starting to walk out of the house

"Obey." She said. I all of suddenly stop while opening the door. "You are going to be our party servant tonight. And in fact I am tired of keeping saying Obey. For now on you must obey whatever I say. Got it?" She said sternly. I all suddenly feel like staying. I closed the door.

"OK Brittany I will be the party servant" I said. "And for now on you are to address me as Princess" Princess Brittany said. "Yes Princess Brittany" I said. "Good. I feel like you are overdressed for this job. Take all your clothes off" She demanded.

She is right I am overdressed. I then took all my clothes off. Princess Brittany took the clothes. "Follow me" She said. So I followed her. I followed her to a fire place that had a fire going. Princess Brittany threw the clothes into the fire place.

"Now here is the rules. Rule 1 you are no longer going to talk forever. Rule 2 no bathroom breaks. Rule 3 you must do whatever our guest tell you to do. Got it?" She said. I nodded. "OK good let's start setting up the party"

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