Aerea grabbed Leo's arm, lifting him to follow her to the center for the traditional first dance. She worried he would just stumble all over the place, but surprisingly he led their dance quite well. Feeling more comfortable, her eyes finally scanned the room for who she really wanted to see. But he was nowhere in sight. The chair next to his sister had been empty this whole time.

"Won't we have to worry about a bedding ceremony after?" Leo whispered as his hands grabbed at her waist to lift her up.

"Oh, gods no. Once this is over with, I'm going to go check on Viserys." She answered.

"And what of Qoren? Are we supposed to just forget the man who killed my brother dines with us tonight?" His eyes shot towards the Dornish Prince.

"It is as you said. The crown is not at war with him."

"So my brother died for nothing, I see." Their dance concluded and they stood, glaring at each other as the hall erupted with cheers and clapping. Everyone rushed to the center to join in the dancing, finally separating the two from each other. Aerea stormed off to her seat while Leo made his way through the crowd, speaking to any and every lord and lady he could.

"Everything alright, sister?" Luke asked as he stole the seat next to her, but she just crossed her arms and scoffed. "I take it you know about Prince Qoren."

"Yes, I am well aware the murderer of my betrothed's brother is in attendance. Ser Leo made sure to remind me." She mumbled. Luke noticed how defeated she looked and took her hand into his. She turned to face him, showing the tears that threatened to escape her eyes.

"It won't bring him back if you kill him, sister." She knew he was right, but how was she supposed to sit there like Qoren had done nothing wrong to her. "Ser Henry didn't die for you to seek justice. He died to give you a future."

She weakly smiled, knowing he was right. "I just hope his brother could see that. Instead he turns into our uncle Aegon for the evening."

"Better Aegon than his brother." Luke nudged at her with a laugh, but she just shook her head with a scorching blush.

"Where is his brother anyways? Leo was looking for him earlier." She lied.

"No one's seen him all day. Probably for the best. We wouldn't want him or his family to try and ruin this wedding, would we?" Luke stood with his arm extended out for her to take. "Come, sister. Let us dance."

She smiled sweetly up at her brother and gladly took his arm as he led her to the floor. They laughed as they danced through the crowd. Luke stumbled a couple times in the steps, but Aerea always helped him to the next step. He lifted her up by her waist just before she was spun into her next partner. Prince Qoren Martell.

"Ah, Princess Aerea. What a pleasure it is to finally make your acquaintance." He smiled. Her face fell, but into a stern face as she didn't want to show any weakness.

"Prince Qoren, what a pleasure it is to see you made it out alive." She taunted with her head held high. Though to her surprise, he just laughed.

"Oh, I had abandoned the Stepstones long ago, princess." He said.

"You abandoned your men?" She arched her brow.

"It did not feel right for me to lead when I had nearly killed a princess." His face softened as he looked down at her. The two circled each other like a hunter and it's prey.

"So you take her beloved's life instead?" Her jaw clenched tightly.

"As I said. Nearly killed a princess." The smirk returned to his face. "He was just simply a casualty of war. Apologies if he meant anything to your or your...friend." His laugh almost sung above the music when her head snapped over to him. "You need not worry, princess. Why should I tell anyone when it's right in front of their faces?"

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