chapter 1

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I was walking back from training, getting ready to take a bath and eat. We'll know why the stink really gets to you when you have a sensitive smell and hearing from being a werewolf.

My smell and hearing isn't that great since i'm not a wolf yet, anyway I just have to be patient since today is my birthday and tonight's the full moon.

I get to change today and I'm excited to see what my wolf looks like,this morning I got to finally speak to her and she is well let's just say charming and quite frankly and an overdue a**. I think it's because we woke up early.

Since today's been going so well we have been becoming a really good team and all she can't stop talking about is our mate that we're going to be meeting soon. Well,I hope so.

I started walking to my room and getting my clothes ready. I jumped in the shower and took a good 10 min one.

When I was done, I went down to eat with Dylan when I walked in the kitchen dylan was singing while dancing and shaking his hips to the beat I swear I think he is gay he says he's not but I can't tell he seems so feminine sometimes, but I can't judge even if it's weird that he seems like a father figure to me.

"Dylan are you positive you aren't gay"he spun his head so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash.

"What,what makes you say that"
"Dyl you know I won't judge you right you're like a father figure to me I don't care what species you like as long as you still love me I'm fine.

He looks like he has tears pooling in his eyes.
"I know sweetheart I just figured yall think any less but yes I'm bisexual I like both sides"

"Well see there that wasn't so bad know was it"

"No it wasn't and I'm sorry for thinking you would judge me"

"Oh it's alright,if we're living here our whole lives mine as well get use to it" I teased him

"Well you little"he started chasing me while I giggled like a schoolgirl.

When we got done playing we sat and ate the spaghetti meal Dylan made for us and we talked about my training and laughed and just joked around but that was until we heard a big 'BOOM'.

We both popped up and went to look outside and what we saw was horrible. We live here alone.

We live in a cave that's covered in vines,leaves like a curtain going down it but it's like right now, somebody wants to find something.

There just blowing everything up not caring about the life that's in the woods how can someone be so heartless everything is being blown apart I came out of my mind when I felt someone tug my arm "come on Kira we have to go know"

I nod and followed dylan down the halls "dylan where are we going" no answer "dylan"
I stopped when he turn to look at me "look I don't have time for an explanation so come in hurry".

I followed quietly while we sprinted to his room and to the closest
"Dylan we can't hide here they'll come look for use"

He pushed me in and he came to he has a belt rake with belts on it and one side of the rake slide open when he pushed one of the hooks down I started slack jaw when I saw buttons behind it and he held a button saying "EMR COLD RED"

In an urgent tone and the whole entire closet started to slide down "oh my Goddess oh my Goddess " I just couldn't hold my shock in.

Dylan just looked at me with amusement I glared back "you have a lot of explaining to do dylan"

"I know I know but I did what I had to do"

He turned to push a button and it seems he just blew up the entire top where we lived for over 17 years.

When we finally started to come to a stop Dylan opened the door and what I saw had me looking at it in shock.

"What the heck Is this"
"It's the weapon arena, load up like I showed you Kira"


I walked around and just looked when I came by 2 swords that aren't any bigger than a kitchen knife. I took it and the belt strap, strapped them on my thighs.

I walked some more for some guns. I found 2 gold guns that have 2 holsters for them so I can carry on my sides and a little knife for my boot.

I looked some more and there was this ring that Dylan showed me. If I'm tied up and need an escape, spin it around where it faces the rope or whatever and press the little diamond in the middle but be careful because it uses real lasers.

It freaked me out then cause I was small,now I get why he told me that. We're being hunted

The Chosen Heir 2 (Unedited)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora