chapter 5

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I smirk she's already scared
"Kira no she the most high ranked warrior are you crazy" my friends tell me

"Ya listen to your friends Kira don't want to end up in the hospital"

"Your gonna end up in the morgue""awww"
All around the arena I take off my shirt and pants that leaves me with my workout clothes I put underneath before we left this morning.

"You sure about this"
"What you having second doubts " she scoffed

Everyone made a big circle around us so we could fight.

She walked around me like she's judging me when she thought she had a snoop attack. I turned around and kicked her in the ribs.
She staggered back a little but didn't fall.we ran to each other she jumped in the arm I slid under her and kicked her stomach which made her fly in front of a guy holding in his laughter.

She came at me and we exchange a couple blows she took a knife out of her legging pocket and flicked it open still didn't faze me just looked at her cold hearted she ran to me I had my arms crossed my chest when she got close to me I ran to her and did a cartwheel over her without using my hands, my arms over my chest.she just stared in disbelief.

I smirked.she ran at me with the knife in the air she was an inch from my eye when I twisted her arm back and bent her fingers she screamed to let her go but someone needs to teach her a lesson.i let go of her fingers punched her ribs 10 times like a punching bag and did a backflip while kicking her jaw going up and flipped to my feet.

She fell back but used her feet to get up and I ran to her jumped up landed on her shoulders holding her head she fell backwards and clawed my arms while I tighten my hold on her neck "yield" I yell out while she gasp "no" I stood up and grabbed her throat pushed her against the nearest tree "yield or die "

She gasps and I tighten my hold on her neck. "You might want to think twice before you underestimate someone I have trained for 16 years. You probably 3 consider how packs work so calculate what you do before you do it unless you don't have a Brain,now yield."

She taps my hands 2 and tilts her head in sign of submission. I let her go and she dropped to the ground gasping for breath. I looked back to the audience "remember that next time before you underestimate someone "I said looking at Dakota the beta he looks scared like he is gonna pee in himself.

I walk to my friends and there gaping mouths except dylan of course "close your mouth guys before something flies in it"

"Who are you"someone from the pack ask
"Well if you must know I'm the goddess daughter" I said with a smirk they all looked on In disbelief I turned and saw the witch is here.

So we started working on summoning my magic while the whole pack sat and watched.
"Now close your eyes and imagine you reaching in your body and grabbing the invisible sources. I tried but failed 5 times until I finally grabbed the invisible source.I reached on and pulled it out. I looked at my hand and there was fire on my hand.i gasped and the whole arena.

I'm kinda freaked out.

"Now imagine it disappearing " I did and it did in a second. I imagine having water on my hand,it worked."Hey guys I'm gonna try something,okay"

I walked to the water fountain and imagined it flying in waves in the air. I opened my eyes and what I do with my hand or mind it works.its beautiful.

The whole arena is staring at it in awe. I let some water leave my invisible field so they could get wet.

They laughed and shoved and some cried out not to wet them. It was fun.

3 hours later we all went back to our rooms and got ready for dinner.

The Chosen Heir 2 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now