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Luckily for Charles, Max had been a pissy little bitch not letting Sergio pass, and now they had equal points. Second place position depended totally on the last race of the season, and although Charles was fraught with nerves, he was also undeniably excited to see how the season would end.

The weeks leading up to the Brazilian Grand Prix had been full of training, data review, and team meetings. He hadn't had much time to spend with Carlos because of this, and he suspected he would have even less now that there was so much to do before Abu Dhabi.

For now though, they had some time together. Just one night before they would have to leave Brazil and be swept back up into the chaos of race preparations.

Daddy Day Care was playing in the background as they conversed about the political and economic state of the world currently... and also in the past decade. Penis envy: Freud was right.

Carlos was poised over the stove, occasionally stirring the pasta as Charles sat on the counter beside him, fiddling with the salt shaker.

There was a lull in the conversation. Charles put down the salt shaker only to begin picking at his cuticles. Carlos glanced at him sideways, his concern growing as Charles shifted in place, something obviously on his mind.

"What are you thinking, querido?" Carlos asked, still stirring the water.

Charles sighed, hands finally still. He cast his gaze up to Carlos before turning it back to the floor. "You've been so patient with me," he began. Carlos nodded, allowing him time to sort out his thoughts.

"So, I really don't feel pressured when I say I think I'm ready to come out to some people."

Carlos hid his shock well, and moved into Charles's space, studying him with soft eyes. "That's great, who were you thinking of?"

"My brothers, first. I still haven't told them and I don't think my mom has either."

Carlos nodded along, a teasing smile on his lips. "And who second?"

"Probably Pierre. We've been friends forever."

"I'm surprised you didn't already tell him."


Carlos leaned in, bracketing his arms on either side of Charles's hips. "Anyone else?"

"We should probably tell the rest of the grid before going public."

"You're thinking of making our relationship public?" Carlos wasn't repulsed by the idea, but he was surprised.

"Eventually. Not right now though, that would be a PR nightmare."

"Yeah, I'd like that too... eventually."

"I was actually thinking about calling Arthur now. I want to tell my family about us."

"Yeah, sounds good." Carlos moved back towards the stove, stirring the pasta once more. "I'll be over here if you need me." He gave a gentle smile to show he meant it. Charles's heart warmed at the sight as he went to pick up his phone.


The call with Arthur went well. He was supportive bordering on disinterested, more focused on whatever he was talking about with his friends on the other line. His investment piqued when Charles mentioned Carlos as his boyfriend, but he quickly recovered with an "I'm happy for you." Charles hung up smiling and padded up to Carlos from behind, wrapping him in a hug.

Carlos chuckled, making a half assed attempt to turn around in the embrace. The pasta was done and now he stood by the stove preparing a sauce. "It went well?"

"It went well," Charles confirmed.

"Are you going to call Lorenzo too?"

"Yes, I just need a minute."

Carlos laughed and successfully turned around, hugging Charles back. When they broke apart, Charles took a deep breath, scrolling through his contacts once more.

The call with Lorenzo was also a success. His older brother was perfectly supportive albeit a little shocked. Hearing that Charles was dating Carlos seemed to have been the most scandalizing news he had ever heard, but he expressed joy for them.

The call with Pierre lasted the longest as he insisted by beginning with saying all the worst things before realizing how much this meant to Charles. When Charles first worked up the courage to come out, Pierre had responded with, "Wait like Ellen?" Charles had begrudgingly responded yes, like Ellen, and Pierre's only follow up was, "okay, but you still owe me $47."

Charles didn't know whether to laugh or cry at that, but eventually Pierre realized what the call really meant to Charles. He was proud of Charles for finally coming out, and although he hadn't suspected anything, he wasn't surprised either.

He wasn't surprised with the mention of Carlos either, only responding with a triumphant, "I knew you guys were acting a little too zesty!"

Carlos was so shocked he nearly dropped the pan as he doubled over with laughter. Charles rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress his own laughter.

Pierre was slightly peeved at the fact Lando and Max of all people had known before him, but it was clear he was supportive through and through. The conversation ended on speaker phone, all three of them breathless from laughing so much.

When Carlos and Charles finally sat down to dinner, Charles said, "I'm happy I did that."

"Me too. I'm really glad they were all understanding."

Charles reached out to squeeze Carlos's hand, knowing that Carlos was thinking about his mom again. "Yeah. I guess I'm pretty lucky."

Carlos smiled fondly, squeezing back. "Maybe, but I'm definitely luckier."'


We're not gonna acknowledge the fact that this is like three weeks late. 

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