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(Netherlands 😏🌶)

When Carlos woke up, it didn't take him long to realize where he was. Charles was still tucked against his chest, and he carefully untangled himself from Charles's grip to not wake him.

Picking up the phone, he ordered breakfast for the both of them. Orange juice for Charles, apple for himself, and an assortment of dishes. Upon remembering how much Charles liked the Nacho Fries in Saudi Arabia, he ordered those too. It felt strangely routine, even though they'd only eaten breakfast together a handful of times.

The food arrived, and Charles woke up, immediately throwing an arm over his face to block out the light. He groaned at his headache and Carlos tried to talk softly. "Hey, I got us breakfast."

Charles lifted his arm to look over at him, clearly surprised that he was still there. "Thanks," Charles mumbled.

"There's some aspirin on the bedside table, and the bath is running if you want."

Charles was again surprised by just how nice Carlos was being to him, and then again he practical begged Carlos to stay. He remembered most of the night before, and making out with some stranger. Now that he was sober, it seemed sort of pathetic.

Did Carlos think the same? Was he angry? He didn't seem to be, only mildly concerned. He rolled over and reached for the pills, taking two aspirins to sooth his headache. Without looking back at Carlos he spoke. "I'm sorry, about last night."

Carlos hummed to show he was listening, but let him continue.

"That guy didn't mean anything."

Carlos already knew that, but he couldn't help the spark of jealousy he felt. "You don't have to apologize. It's not like we're together."

Charles sighed, sounding resigned. "I know. I just got jealous when you walked in with Lando."

Carlos moved to sit on the edge of the bed beside Charles. "I get it, I really do. I'm still so sorry about what happened, but we're finally just friends again and it felt wrong to shut him out."

"It's fine. Like you said, we're not together." It hurt Charles to speak those words but they were the truth.

Carlos shuffled closer, turning to look at Charles, studying his face. "But do you want to be?"

Charles snapped up to look at Carlos, who seemed to take his shock as hesitance. "I know you said you needed time, and if you're not ready to decide that's fine, but I've made my decision, and I want you."

Charles heart leapt in his chest. He had made up his mind too. "I want you too, but..."


"But I want to take this slow."

Carlos grinned, relief washing over him. "Whatever you need." He wanted to hug Charles, but wasn't sure how slow he was talking. The decision was made for him, however, when Charles leaned in, pulling him into a tight hug.

Carlos hugged back, burying his face in the crook of Charles' neck, and finally, things felt right.

🏎 🏎 🏎

(Actually the Netherlands now I promise)

The weeks leading up to the race... happened. They were learning to trust each other again. Charles was less skittish, Carlos didn't push him away, and they were both less jealous. It would take awhile to truly be blissful again, but they were taking steps in the right direction. They were finally communicating.

The disappointing results of the race didn't shake them. They leaned on each other, knowing exactly what the other was going through.

Laying back against the headboard, Carlos lifted his arm to let Charles snuggle underneath. Charles' hair was damp from the shower, and water dripped onto Carlos's shirt, but he didn't mind.

They relaxed into each other, watching yet another episode of Psych. When Gus walked on screen wearing a polo and khaki pants, Charles laughed.

"What?" Carlos asked, perplexed.

"You dress exactly like Burton Guster!!" Charles giggled.

"It's called fashion, sweaty, look it up," Carlos said, rolling his eyes, although still smiling fondly.

Charles laughed again, a soft twinkling sound that melted Carlos' heart. He laid a gentle hand under his chin, turning Charles to face him. "I missed you," he said softly, a gentle smile on his face.

Charles blushed, but leaned in to kiss Carlos, short and sweet. "I missed you too."

They leaned back to just look at each other a moment, before Charles reached out to cup Carlos' face, as if not quite believing he was real. Slowly, ever so slowly, Charles' hand moved backwards, gripping the base of Carlos' neck and twisting his fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck.

All at once Charles pulled him closer, crashing their mouths together in a desperate kiss. Carlos reciprocated easily, guiding him with a hand on his hip so Charles' fully faced him. Their tongues intertwined, and Carlos eased himself away from the headboard, lying back fully. Charles followed him, leaning his full weight on Carlos' chest. He pulled back briefly, staring down at Carlos with his eyes full of nothing but adoration. His hair fell around his face, framing his sharp features in soft waves. "I love you," Carlos heard himself saying. He worried it was too much for just a moment, but then Charles smiled with a sincerity that made his heart stutter.

"I love you too." 


Keep an eye out for a special update sometime this week 😏😏

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