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(Singapurr 💅)

Carlos' phone was ringing for about the 7th time since their date started. He groaned and checked the caller ID. It was his dad yet again. He had been calling more often since the photo came out, but Carlos never answered and his dad never pressed. This was the first time he had called so many times in a row, however, and it was getting concerning.

"Just answer it," Charles said, exasperated.

Carlos took another swig from his water bottle, contemplating. They were sitting on a rock along the hiking path. The trail they had taken was pretty steep and they had only passed a couple of people so far. The air was crisp, but it felt nice, their surface temperatures rising from exertion.

Carlos sighed and fished his phone out of the pocket of his shorts. "Hola," he answered a note too cheerfully.

Charles, as if reading his mind, busied himself by ripping apart a fallen leaf, trying not to alert his dad of his presence.

"¡Hijo! ¡He estado tratando de contactarte durante semanas!" (Son, I've been trying to reach you for weeks!) He didn't sound mad, more teasing, but it didn't settle the knot in Carlos' stomach.

Carlos sighed, but quiet enough so his dad wouldn't hear. He'd been dreading this conversation and genuinely didn't know how his dad would react to his (unintentional) coming out. They had a good relationship and his father was generally supportive, but the anxiety creeped in nonetheless.

"Perdón, he estado ocupado," Carlos lied through his teeth. (Sorry, I've been busy.) He had been busy, but not any more than usual, and definitely not enough to not be able to make a phone call.

"Comprendo, pero tenemos mucho de qué hablar." (I understand, but we have a lot to talk about.)

Carlos sighed audibly this time. There was no more beating around the bush. "Sí..." He trailed off, not knowing what else to say or even where to start such an awkward conversation. His father's casual vagueness was increasing his heart rate more than the hike had, and he tried to avoid panicking.

"Me sorprendí–" at that moment Charles sneezed very loudly, cutting Carlos Sr. off. There was a pause on the line. Glancing at Charles, he looked apologetic. There was no mistaking that sneeze for one of Carlos's own.

"¿Estás solo?" (Are you alone?)

"No," Carlos answered shortly, not wanting to share more than he had to. He could never lie to his father, but cutting out information was his specialty.

"¿Con quién estás?" (Who are you with?)

"Charles. Estamos en una caminata." (Charles. We are on a hike.)

At the mention of his name, Charles looked up in curiosity, throwing the shredded leaf aside. Carlos thought it was only fair to switch to English so he could understand.

"¿Quieres que llame después?" (Do you want me to call back later?)

"No, it's fine," Carlos answered without thinking. He was fine with Charles listening, preferred it, even, but a wave of panic hit him as he realized sharing personal calls with one's teammate was not the most normal thing to do. He worried that his dad would become suspicious, but that was quickly proved irrational.

Carlos Sr. got the hint and switched to English as well. "Ok well, I just wanted to say that although I was surprised by the photograph, I love you and support you. I just wish you had told me sooner."

Carlos was relieved by the support, but still felt awkward about the whole conversation. "Yeah. Thanks, dad. Love you too."

His dad continued, "It must be so difficult coming out like that. I've seen some of what the media is saying."

Carlos was mildly surprised that his dad even knew the term "coming out," and his basic knowledge of lgbtq vocabulary was strangely comforting. "I've only seen parts, but I don't really want to talk about that right now."

"Oh yes, I understand." There was a beat of silence before his dad ventured further into what felt suspiciously close to an interrogation. "Is the man in that picture your boyfriend?'

Carlos kept it vague on purpose, trying to avoid his dad asking who that was. He was such a bad liar. "Something like that."

"When will we be able to meet him?" He seemed eager, which made Carlos beam at Charles. They had already met, but Carlos would introduce him as his boyfriend one day. Maybe the teammates thing would throw them off, but they would love him. It would be impossible not to. Charles smiled back although he had no idea what Carlos' dad had said.

"Eventually, not yet though."

"He's shy?" His dad teased, and Carlos could practically hear his smile through the speaker. His heart warmed, forgetting why exactly he had been putting this conversation off.

"Hmmmm not really. I just don't think we're ready for that yet." It wasn't lost on him that he had used "we" instead of a singular pronoun. It felt right, like they had been together for a long time.

"Don't keep the family waiting too long. Did you tell Blanca? She always looks like she knows something I don't."

Carlos smiled, making a mental note to text her later. "She does."

"Thick as thieves, you two. Ana will be jealous."

"It's her fault for being the youngest." His dad chuckled, nodding along although Carlos couldn't see it.

"So," he started, diving into serious territory once again. "How did mom react?" She had only called twice the day the photo went viral and never again after that. He hadn't thought much of it until now.

There was a hesitation on the line that made him assume the worst. "No great," his dad answered honestly. "Not terrible, but not great. She's worried."


"For you. About you. That she did something wrong."

His face fell. That stung deeper than Carlos would ever admit. He couldn't make his throat move to form words, stunned in silence at his mother's lack of acceptance.

"She'll come around," his dad reassured when there was no response, "she's still processing, but she'll come around."

"Yeah, yeah." Carlos's tongue unstuck itself as he muttered absentmindedly.

The conversation was coming to an unsavory end. "I love you. Talk soon."

"Love you too," Carlos replied, and with that, he hung up. He tucked his phone away, still staring at the ground.

A firm hand on his shoulder made him jolt, but when his mind was brought back to Charles, he leaned into the touch.

"How bad was it?" Charles asked softly, his face twisted into a grimace.

"My dad was supportive. He wants to meet you." He smiled softly, trying to ignore the last part of the conversation. Charles didn't let him, nudging him softly when he didn't continue.

"My mom... not so much."

Charles let out a oh of pity, and gave a comforting squeeze to his shoulder. He wished he could do more; kiss Carlos frown away or pull him into a strangling hug, but it was too risky. "I'm sorry," he said at last.

"She'll come around," Carlos said, repeating his dad's words. He wasn't sure if was reassuring Charles or himself, but Charles moved his hand to his cheek for a moment, running a gentle thumb in the hollow of his cheekbone. He quickly moved it back to his shoulder, drawing random patterns. He didn't say anything, but his touch was enough to calm Carlos's fried nerves.

The viewpoint that they had been hiking to was forgotten, and they headed back to the hotel for a night of comfort movies and hot chocolate. 

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