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He had forgotten his toothpaste. Carlos had forgotten his toothpaste. Of all the times he'd traveled he'd never forgotten a thing, but on the night before the first race of the season, he was going to have spinach in his teeth. He had three choices. Ask the front desk, go out and buy some, or ask Charles in the next room over. It was a bit late to annoy the concierge or a store clerk, he would annoy Charles, he reasoned.

He picked up his phone and scrolled to find "Charlie."

Forgot my toothpaste. Can I borrow urs?

The reply was almost immediate.


He threw his phone on his bed and went to open the door that adjoined their two rooms. It was unusual for their rooms to not be completely separate, but Carlos was grateful for it. Now he wouldn't have to roam the halls in his bright red Cars pajamas. He knocked on the door, waiting for a reply. A few moments later Charles opened the door, his hair soaking wet. He was wearing nothing but a towel around his SNATCHED waist. Carlos felt a blush creeping up his neck. He'd seen him shirtless before, what was so different this time? Before he had more time to explore that question, Charles spoke. "You want this or not?" He said, waving the toothpaste in front of his face.

Charles's smooth Monegasque accent snapped him back to reality and he stared at the tube of Crest Ultrawhite.

"Oh, I don't really like that one. Too minty."

"What toothpaste do you use then?" Charles smirked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Bubblegum flavor," Carlos deadpanned.

Charles laughed, no malice behind it. "You use bubblegum toothpaste and wear Cars PJs? I thought I was supposed to be the younger one."

Carlos grabbed the toothpaste from him, holding back a smile. "Thankth," he mumbled. He shut the door behind him and continued to the bathroom. His face scrunched up unpleasantly. The toothpaste really was too minty.

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Carlos woke to a soft rustling coming from the bathroom. He tensed, ready to jump up and call the police. He hesitated, however, when the distinct scent of geranium and cedar wafted towards him.

"Charles, what the fuck are you doing here?!?" He asked, reaching for the duvet and throwing it over himself desperately.

"Don't worry about covering up your martini boxers, I already noticed," Charles said from the other room as if reading his thoughts.

"I like them," Carlos said defensively, grabbing his Cars pajamas to throw back on.

"Me too," Charles said, emerging from the bathroom toothpaste in hand. He glanced across the room at the alarm on Carlos's nightstand. "It's almost seven, you might wanna put some real clothes on." He smirked, looking down at his pajamas.

"Ok mom," Carlos said sarcastically.

Charles only laughed, taking his toothpaste back and leaving the lingering scent of Yves Saint Laurent's Y after him.

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Charles brushed his teeth with his newly returned toothpaste. He combed back his SILKY hair, although he wasn't sure why he did so. It always got messed up by mid-day. He threw on a pair of jogging shorts and a white tee shirt.

After working out, Charles made his way to the hotel lobby. To his surprise, Carlos was already there, sitting alone at a corner booth. He had a croissant in one hand and his phone in the other. He looked up as Charles scooched next to him. Charles felt he'd maybe sat a little too close, but Carlos didn't react so Charles stayed where he was.

Charlos || Charles Leclerc x Carlos Sainz Jr.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora