Season 8 Episode 12: As Time Goes By, Part 1

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They had just taken a couple days at a motel to hang out with Charlie a little longer. They'd slept in, she and Dean had blown off some much-needed steam that involved chainmail and a broad sword and she'd just gotten out of the shower.

Sam had done the breakfast run today, before they hit the road. She was greeted by a breakfast burrito and a coffee. "Sam you sweet sweet man" she smiled at him as she picked up her coffee and sat down at the table with her burrito.

"I know" he shrugged with a grin, "I'm your favorite."

"If the sounds that were coming out of her mouth an hour ago are any indication" Dean shook his head, "I promise, you're not."

"I'm eating" Sam replied.

"If you can't take it don't dish it out Sammy" Dean shook his head. He licked his lips and grinned, "And if the sounds that were coming out of her mouth an hour ago are any indication, Robin can take it."

"Thaaat was crossing the line" Robin chuckled. Dean replied with a smile and a wink.

Suddenly the closet door popped open and a man in a suit fell out, breathless. Robin already had her gun pointed at him. He looked between Sam and Dean, before asking, "which one of you is John Winchester?"

"Uh" Sam stammered, "neither."

"That's not possible" he shook his head. "What did I do wrong?"

"Who the hell are you mister" Dean barked?

"Not now, I'm thinking" he told him.

"Ahem" Robin cleared her throat, getting the man's attention. "My little friend right here sort of thinks you might want to start talking."

While he was distracted Dean shoved him up against the wall and pinned him with an arm across his chest.

"I assure you, there is no need for violence" he told them assertively. "One of you must know John Winchester."

"Tell you what" Sam nodded. "When we fall out of one of your closets, you get to ask the questions."

"My apologies" he nodded before he looked at Dean. "Sir is it essential that you keep your hands on me?"

Dean backed off the man and looked back at Robin. "Stand down babe" he barked.

She did as she was told, reluctantly holstering her gun.

"Thank you gentlemen" he sighed as he adjusted his blazer. "In the absence of any and all other explanations, this has been a marvelous, tragic misunderstanding. I'll be on my way.

"That's not happening" Sam told him.

"There are things of grave importance" he nodded. "I do not have time to deal with the likes of you."

Dean shuffled quickly through a duffle under the table and produced a pair of handcuffs. Before he grabbed his wrist. "You're not going anywhere 007."

No sooner had he said that, and the man grabbed the cuffs and cuffed both boys to the chair. He started to walk out, and Robin pulled her gun. He quickly disarmed her and shoved her to the ground. He picked up the bed and slid the leg down the back of her gun holster, he grabbed the luggage lock off Sam's suitcase and locked her holster on her, leaving her arms flailing.

"Seriously" she snapped?

"Robin your gun" Sam shouted.

"Yeah, um Sammy" she sighed. "The way that I'm pinned, I have two rather large growths on my chest obstructing my ability to do so. I can't even reach a pin. A luggage lock? Should be like opening a safety pin for me" she huffed.

"Not to worry babe" Dean told her getting out of the cuffs and walking over to help her but stopping. "Well, a nice view anyway" he shrugged.

"See you found the cuffs" she scoffed at him. "Couldn't find them this morning."

He chuckled as he picked the lock sitting on her breasts with a smile.
"Taking your time" she asked? He winked at her as he popped the lock and attempted to slide out of her holster. The leather dug into her. She looked at him, "could you lift the bed please" she muttered?

He lifted the bed and helped her to her feet. "What the fuck was that" she snapped as they all got to their feet and headed out to the parking lot in time to watch the same man break the window of the impala and hop in the driver seat.

"Nice taste in wheels" Dean growled.

"Yours I presume" he turned to the three of them glaring at him?

He didn't fight when he came back into the room with them. Sam splashed him with holy water.

"Holy water" he nodded, knowing what they were doing.

"Clean" Sam nodded to them.

"I could have told you that" he told them.

"You're gonna tell us a lot more" Dean growled, "or I'm gonna beat it out of you."

"I'm quite certain this is beyond your understanding my alpha-male-monkey friend" he scoffed. "And violence will not help you comprehend this either."

"Let me tell you what I understand" Dean bellowed. "Some asshat just fell out of a closet and started asking questions about my dad."

"John Winchester is your father" he asked in astonishment?

The closet started to rumble. "Run" the man shouted as the door burst open.

A woman with red hair and an older style dress covered in blood walked out and sneered at him. "Henry, silly man. You forgot to lock the door. But spells never were your best subject were they?"

"Why do I suddenly feel the need to show her how I am at them" Robin murmured?

"I'd love to see that whore" she snapped.

"Well she's a demon or an angel" Robin announced.

"Henry, why don't you be a doll and give me what I want" she asked? "I promise to kill your friends quick."

"You know I can't do that" he shook his head.

"You're not a fighter Henry" she told him.

Dean raised a gun. She waved a hand and threw him against the wall.

"Speculum dolorem" Robin shouted. The woman screamed in pain as she ran to Dean to help him to his feet. "Were you not listening when I said demon or angel" she snapped?

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