Season 7 Episode 20: The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

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*Needed to share my excitement for this chapter. I get excited whenever I get to introduce a beloved character from the show, but this is a big one. I have been waiting for the introduction of Robin to Charlie. FINALLY, here it is*

Robin was clicking away on her laptop as Dean placed a cup of coffee beside her. She was laser focused on her research. She'd stepped away long enough, it was time for her to get back on her target, Dick Roman. What was more, now she needed to get him before Bobby did and went vengeful.

"So, Nora didn't see a pattern in the dig sites" Sam nodded to her as he hung up his phone.

"Because there isn't one" Dean nodded.

"There has to be" Robin growled. "What the fuck is he doing?"

"Robin, I'm tagging you out" Sam tapped her on the shoulder. "Go lay down or drink your coffee."

"Fine" she murmured getting up from the laptop. "I know I look like hell, thanks for omitting that part Sammy."

"No, you don't" Dean told her as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. She reciprocated hugging him with one hand while she took a sip of her coffee with the other.

The lights suddenly flickered and all three of them got their guns ready.

"Whoa, whoa" Bobby appeared. "Just me. Sorry for the jump scare." He disappeared again.

"You open the damn flask" Robin asked Dean as she snuggled into him on the couch and closed her eyes?

Bobby reappeared, "If only it were that simple. All right. Listen. I-I don't know how long before my next ghost nap, so let's just skip to the skinny – those numbers I gave you."

"The empty lot in Cheeseville?" Dean asked as he took Robin's empty coffee cup and placed it on the table beside them.

"Yeah, well, it ain't gonna be empty for long." Bobby nodded. "I got a gander at Dick's big plan, right before he Lincolned me. They're breaking ground – what month is this?"

"Uh – uh, April," Sam nodded.

Bobby let out a sigh, "Ground's broke." He looked at Dean and Robin on the couch. "Look I'm thrilled you two have wised up and realized you're both crazy about each other, but could you stop groping my daughter so you two can focus here"?

Robin groaned and got to her feet. "That was affection dad, not groping. So Roman is building another of his biotech companies."

"Biotech my ass." He spat, "That sucker is a state-of-the-art slaughterhouse. And we're the beef. He's gonna dumb everyone down with the turducken style munchies, make us docile."

"Yeah, but not everyone goes to Biggersons" Robin nodded.

"He's got a list of about 10 other chains he's buying up" Bobby told her. "Then he's gonna cure us all."

"Of what" Dean asked?

"The big ones" Bobby nodded, "Cancer, AIDS."

"You cure that shit you can get away with anything" Robin nodded to him.

"Then he's going to make the perfect herd" Bobby nodded to her.

"Guys" Sam furrowed his brow. "I just got and email from Frank."

"Whoa Frank's alive" Dean gasped as he walked over to the laptop.

"Guys if you're reading this, I'm dead, or worse" Sam read.

"That's a warning email" Robin ran to the laptop. "Sammy, scooch."

"A warning for what" Dean asked?

"Some one is trying to access Frank's hard drive" Robin nodded as she started typing furiously. "Sammy grab the other laptop. I need a scan, locate our hacker."

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