Season 2 Episode 3: Bloodlust

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"What's up Sam" Robin answered the phone, "You guys get there okay"?

Dean had just finished up the impala and she was beautiful. The itch had become too much for him to bear, so he had packed Sam up and went after what looked like a satanic kill in Montana.

"Yeah, we got here fine" Sam replied, "Hey, you know a lot of hunters right"?

"Yeah" she replied, "A lot of them use the switchboard".

"Do you know Gordon Walker"?

Robin froze, "Yeah, I know Gordon, what about him"?

"We ran into him".

"Gordon works alone" she warned.

"He said the same thing" Sam replied, "There's something off about him, I'm not sure".

"I'm on my way" Robin snarled.

"What" Sam asked? "But you're ten hours away".

"I'll be there in seven" she replied, "Oh and Sammy, when he said he works alone, you should have listened".

She hung up the phone and started to pack a bag. She wrote a note for Bobby, he had already passed out for the night, which was probably good, because he never would have let her out of the house for this one. He would have used an iron chain on her to keep her away from Gordon Walker.

What's more, she needed her powers in full right now. Seven hours? She might have been able to make it there that fast on her bike, but would that be enough? It would weaken her, but she had to do it. "Portare, Porto, Impala" she whispered. She hit dirt, hard, right behind the impala. She threw up and started to black out just in time to see a tall man with a sack over his head be shoved in a car. "Sam" she whispered as everything went black.

"Hey sweetheart you doing ok"?

She felt herself being nudged by someone's boot, but she still couldn't move.

"Think she had a little too much".

She knew that voice, that was Gordon. Her eyes shot open, the other voice?

"Looks like".

"Dean" she gasped.

Dean leaned down and rolled her over, "Oh my god, Robin"

"Robin Singer" Gordon asked?

Dean picked her up and took her to their motel room. He helped her to clean up and get some water. She was still very much physically drained.

"What happened to you" Dean asked her?

"I don't know, I must've passed out" she shook her head.

"Where's Sammy" he asked?

"He's not with you" she asked?

Sam walked in the room,

"Can I talk to you two, alone" Sam asked, meaning Dean and Robin?

The three went to the parking lot, Robin stumbled, but she managed.

"Dean, maybe we've got to rethink this hunt" Sam started.

"What are you talking about?" Dean asked, "Where were you"?

"In the nest"

"You found it"?

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