25. Guardians of the Guild.

Start from the beginning

Donald nodded. - "What a nice thing to do." - He turned to face Della. - "Is that what attracted you to him in the first place, Del?"

Unable to contain her embarrassment, Della punched her brother in her leg, using the table to hide her actions. - "Shut up Donnie." - She hissed. Staring daggers at Donald. But even with a dead-leg, Donald couldn't contain his smug smirk.

"I thought it was my good looks that attracted the girls, never though it was my 'good heart'." - Leo joked, making Della feel even more embarrassed.

"Kids? Kids is that you?" - Out of the bustling crowds, came Uncle Scrooge. - "Bless me bagpipes, I've been looking for you to for ages!"

"Sorry, Uncle Scrooge," - Both twins apologised at the same time.

"Wait. wait, wait." - Leo spluttered, putting down his newly-emptied coffee cup. - "Scrooge, as in Scrooge McDuck- the Kajillionaire?"

"Actually, I'm a Multiplujillionaire." - Scrooge smugly corrected. - "And who might you be?"

Getting up from his chair, the teenager stuck his hand out to the much older Duck. - "Leo Galló. You know, I never expected to meet the richest man on Earth today. It's a pleasure."

Feeling his pride swell, Scrooge shook Leo's hand. - "I like to think that I'm richest man in the Solar System. But I haven't been to space." - The man leaned in close and smiled. - "Not yet anyway."

"So what are you guys here on business, or something?"

"Adventure, actually." - Answered Scrooge.

"A really dangerous adventure." - Della added swiftly, before folding her arms and leaning back in her seat. - "With traps and stuff."

Donald snorted at the obvious attempt to seem cool, causing his Sister to strike him in the leg a second time.

"An adventure huh?" - Leo mumbled, smiling. - "You need a guide up the mountains?"

"You know the peaks well?"

The teen shrugged. - "I work as a guide semi-professionally, and as a favour for saving my life, I'll do it for free."

Scrooge positively beamed when he heard that. - "Free you say."

Leo nodded. - "But you'll have to use your own gear. I've only got one set."

"When can we leave?"

 The teen scratched his scratched for a moment, looking off into the distance. - "I'd say about an hour- hour-thirty minutes. I need to grab my gear from home, maybe a few extra supplies. Then we can leave." - He answered. - "That sound good to you?"

Scrooge had already made up his mind. - "Okay, welcome to the team. Lad."


   The tunnel had turned into a slide, that seemed to stretch on for ever.

In the pitch-black of the pipe, Louie took some time to debate his earlier decision, but since he didn't know where the pipe led, he couldn't tell if he had actually chosen correct or not. But either way, he was sick of the tunnel and it's slopes, that constantly threw him back and forth, and not knowing whichever way he was going.

Finally after one sharp turn which left the young thief with a bruise just above his tail, there was light at the end of the tunnel.

Pressing his hands and feet to the sides of the slide in order to create friction and slow down, Louie still flung out of the end like he'd been shot out of a cannon. 

Landing with a parkour roll, Louie found himself in a large circular room, with a roof that was a least 18-feet off of the floor. Like the other rooms he'd triumphed, it was constructed with stone bricks that had began to crumble and was overgrown with moss.

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