i School's Out

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"meet you at your car" was all Montana heard before Ella buzzed out of the classroom caught in the current of students filing out of the school as it was officially summer. Slowly she packed up her things and headed to Mr Johnson's desk, thanking him and wishing him a good break before bidding him and her other classmates goodbye. Smiling as she made her way to her locker and greeting people as she made her way to her locker. Collecting everything she needed for her summer homework she closed her locker door only to be met by the grinning face of her beautiful boyfriend Nicholas Prescot.

"I was thinking we could just hang out at yours before your party tonight," he said while placing a kiss on her cheek instantly bringing a rosy blush to it.

Montana frowned up at him "I would but me and El are going to the shops to get some last-minute party stuff, but I promise we won't be too long, you can even wait at mine if you want" she tried to compromise.

He groaned while throwing his head back against the lockers and rolling his eyes, "you never want to just chill at home with just me, like we never get to have fun, you always want to go out and do something I'm getting tired of it". This instantly made Montana's heart drop.

"I thought that's what you liked, you said you like to be adventurous and do things so I always look for new and fun things for us to try or do I'm sorry. I didn't know you didn't like that" the smile had instantly vanished from her face being replaced with a frown.

"No no I love all that stuff! doing anything with you makes me happy, you make me happy babe, I just feel like we never have special alone time" he sighed and lowered his head closer to her ear "I just love you so much baby and wanna show you my love when was the last time we had any fun?" he questioned while creeping his arms around her waist.

Although she probably shouldn't have, Montana melted into his touch, breathing the scent of his expensive cologne that always makes her feel safe. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders for another second she sighed "I'm sorry baby, you know tomorrow is a special day you never know what could happen" she hummed as she played with the hairs at the nape of his neck. He leaned down capturing her lips in a short but sweet kiss.

As he broke away he smiled "you're right, tomorrow is a new day with new possibilities, I better let you go don't wanna keep Ellie waiting you know how cranky she gets when she has to wait at the car" he giggles and with a kiss to her forehead, she mutters a small yeah as he pulls away and bids her goodbye and a small love you which she returns, he promises to see her later on at her party. 

Shaking off the weird feeling she just got she made her way to her car, which was much easier now as most people had already left the school, she didn't realise how long she had been talking with her boyfriend. As she pushed open the doors to the school carpark she saw Ella leaning against her car laughing at something on her phone which instantly made Montana smile. As she made her way to the blue Jeep she clicked her key and unlocked the car. This finally made Ella glance away from her phone. She quickly looked back down, sending a text, she put her phone into her bag and opened the passenger door.

"Finally Mon, what took you so long? I've been sweating like a pig out here in this heat while you took your sweet time" she got in slamming the door closed. Rolling her eyes, Montana folded her lead and got into the driver's seat. "so I was thinking we hit the golf store first, his favourite one is just down the road from the country club, Nicky took me in there last week and they had some of the cutest skirts Mon! You'll absolutely love it there" she gleamed. It was like she flipped a switch; one minute she's a bitch, then she's all sweet and talking about Montana's boyfriend. Ella instantly connected her phone as Montana put the car in reverse.

Just as Montana is about to question the golf outing the song begins making her mind even more frazzled,

'You need to give it up

Had about enough

It's not hard to see

The boy is mine'

Looking beside her she sees Ella with her blond hair flying out the window as she mouths the words to the song, I mean it's a great song. The random song choice does shock her but she sings along nonetheless as they make their way to the store.

Shaking off the weird vibe she keeps getting from Ella Montana parks her car and they both make their way into the store. Montana smiles and greets the old man at the front desk as they enter being pulled along by Ella.

Finally coming to a stop Ella turns to her, "see aren't these skirts just the cutest, like surely we'd be allowed to wear them for P.E. I bought a pink one last week with Nicky, he said pink is my colour" she blushed, "you got a good one Mon, you're so lucky. He offered to teach me to play these holidays! Isn't that just the sweetest!" she gushed.

Now this definitely put some unwanted thoughts and suspicions in Montana's head and left a pit in her stomach which she chose to push away. He was just being a good boyfriend and Ella was his friend too, he wouldn't do anything to hurt her, he's good, Ella is her best friend, she's been there through everything, she wouldn't hurt her. These thoughts were all swimming through her head as she willed them to be true. 

Putting a smile on her face and forcing out a laugh she agreed, "I did get lucky didn't I" she quickly changed the topic to the reason they were there. "Which golf club was it that he needed El, this store has so much golf stuff I see why he likes it, I'm the same in the surf stores," she says making their way over to the putters. 

Ella grabs the one he needs and they make their way to the front desk where the old man greets them with a smile. He then turns to Ella, "you're back again?" he questions with a warm smile "are you picking something up for that boyfriend of yours?" draining the colour from both girl's faces. 

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