Twisting out of his grasp, I greet the man he'd been calling Tucci, the blood red orbs search me curiously before landing on my cuff with unhidden curiosity. "Good evening."

His accent was thick, and heavy, Tiberius describes him as Cajun but the tone is hard to place, not that I had much to compare it to. "Nicolas." I nod to him, unwilling to extend any part of my body to anyone who entertained dark arts. If he truly were a shadow man, I'd prefer to stay away from him. 

Noting my lack of formality, the corner of his full lips curls up slightly. "You're smart, eh? Do you not trust me?"

"No, I don't," I tell him bluntly. 

"Who trusts anyone, nowadays?" Tiberius chimes in with an attempt to de-escalate any tension. But, the man did not seem angry, only curious for he hadn't taken his eyes off my cuff. 

"I don't trust a wolf in sheep's clothing either.... not often you see a truly hidden beast such as yourself. A lycan with magic." Turning his attention toward Tiberius, he folds his hands in front of his body with a heavy exhale, "So. This performance. Your partner. Mr.Mercer. Where is he?" Gesturing around, we all take a moment to attempt to find my husband. 

I hardly recognize him in the outfit Tiberius had provided for him. Similar to one at the concert, only this time instead of a vest it was a leather jacket that ended just short of his wrists. He wore a simple torn half shirt underneath, gray in color with a distorted logo shredded across his chest. I could just glimpse the bottom of his rib cage, the rest of his stomach exposed down to his black hip-hugger jeans. 

With the heavily studded belt, and the delicious lines of his pelvis plunging into the snug pants, I catch him lighting a cigarette as he approaches. Taking a long drag, the fingerless gloves complete the look as he wedges the cancer stick between two fingers. "I think you just have a poorly sense of humor." He growls towards the Siren, who looks pleased with his work. 

It suits him, much as it's so out of character for his look, I find it hard to resist with him so close. Silently, I thank Tiberius for all his sins, swallowing back my own desires to introduce Verando to Tucci. 

"My daughter's a big fan." He points out, smiling towards the taller man. In the black boots, he was even taller. 

Scoffing, Verando takes another long drag, "You shouldn't let your kids listen to this shitty music." he spits, running a hand through his hair as Tucci chuckles. A true belly laugh, making his posse awkwardly chuckle behind him. 

"I was told you were funny." He muses, earning a confused look from Tiberius. "Actually it's my 8-year-old who adores you-" Hesitating, he taps his chin for only a moment, "The concert music you sing..?"

I knew we'd sealed the deal with the mention of a younger child who appreciated the classics. Holding his cigarette between his lips, Verando searches the deep red eyes before exhaling the smoke out of his nose. "Got a picture?" He manages through his teeth past the stick he was unwilling to relinquish. 

Like two dads on a soccer field, Tucci pulls out his phone and shows my leather-clad warlord a few pictures of the young girl and her love for the piano. "None of my friends can offer the experience you can. I agree, this music sucks."

"She's cute." He sighs, flicking out his cigarette and stuffing it into the pocket of Tiberius's jacket. "Alright. Send me the date, I'll see what I can do. Come on, you've got one song in me then I'm going home. I look ridiculous-"

Capturing his hand, I roughly jerk him back towards me, catching him off guard as I grip the chain around his neck to pull him down to my level. Hooking my arm around his neck, I invade his mouth with my tongue as I kiss him. Never mind the cigarette, it only seemed to add to the rock and roll decor. With a muffled grunt of disapproval, my knuckles crack as I tighten my grip on the chain, refusing to release him until we were both breathless. 

Ascension - Book Eight - Man x ManWhere stories live. Discover now