Roy's Better Day (PT.3)

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    As Roy walked out the doors of the candy shop he stops and begins to look around, his best friends should be here soon, to which he will be so happy as to get to see them again, he sat down on the sidewalk near the entrance to the shop with the bags of candy.

   "Hey!!, Roy!!", Roy suddenly heard his name being called, he looks up from where he had been staring at the candy in the bags on his lap, hoping he picked out the correct candy, his friend Rob stood there, his older brother Radford had just dropped him off and had parked his car not too far away from them, the older brother in question wanted to go into the shop and get some candy for himself and little sister, as well as to see his old friend Kevin.

  "Rob!, hi!" Roy quickly stood clutching the candy bags tightly so they wouldn't spill out everywhere, Radford said a quick hello to Roy and goodbye to them both as he walked through the shops doors, they could hear the two long time friends greet each other with joy.

  "So.. Rad drove you?" Roy asked, though he obviously knew the answer, he had wanted to begin a conversation, "Yeah!, he wanted to come and see Kevin anyways!" Rob said as he slightly flapped his hands excitedly, both boys turn toward a noise from the entrance to the parking lot, it was Ross!

   "Hey dudes!" The dark haired boy says to them both as he quickly stopped the skateboard he had been riding, his two friends were always so impressed with his skills, Roy had tried skateboarding once, he fell on his knees however and scraped them up horribly.

Roy and Rob excitedly say hi to their friend!, Roy could definitely tell this was gonna be one amazing day!

"So is anyone else gonna join us on our escapades today?" Ross asked, tilting his head to the side, Rob lifted his eyebrows a bit in questioning as well, but then again, who would join them anyways?

"Eh, maybe we could get Susie to come out of that room of hers, get some ice cream?, do ANYTHING other than sit around?" Roy sort of exclaimed the last part, it was not often Susie got to join them, whether she was busy with schoolwork, watching her little brother, or just streaming!, however when she did join them it was always a treat, even though they didn't really like her little brother or his friend all that well, though Mrs Lila was super nice to them all when they had run-ins with one another, always asked them how they were, Mrs Lila and Ross's mom are great friends, have been since childhood, and even though Mrs Lila was nice to Roy, he couldn't say the same for his mother, which is completely understandable, I mean, who would WANT to get along with his mom??, nobody!, that's who!

"I'll text Susie and see if she's up for anything!" Rob says, grabbing his phone from his jacket pocket and begins to find Susie's contact.

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