Roy's Better Day (PT.2)

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    Roy raced as fast as he could to the Candy Club, glee was all he felt, he got so excited each and every time he got to hang out with his best friends!, He stops in the parking lot of said store, he had a bit of pocket money he took from his mother's purse, she wouldn't notice it was even gone anyways, he walked inside the Candy Club slowly, Kevin, the cashier and the only person who seemed to ever be on shift, hadn't seemed to like him much, or his family for that matter, his one time meeting his mother was bad enough, not to mention Roy had usually taken candy pieces from the displays when he could, who could blame him?, it was candy!

  Kevin looked towards the door to the shop, the bell above it had rung signaling that someone had came in, it was a bit early for those two pesky kids to really come in anyways, he thought he was in the clear until he saw the very recognizable striped sweater and cap on the child that had walked in.

  "You again?, seriously?, what are you here for?, to steal more candy?" He sarcastically drawled out, looking at Roy with squinting eyes, he always sort of felt bad for the child, even if he had stolen candy before, it was only ever a few pieces.

  He tapped his fingers gently on his front counter, waiting for a response, to his surprise however, the kid responded, seemingly a bit tired but happier than he normally was, less of a brat, that was for sure.

  "I was just coming to pick out a few pieces of candy for me and my friends Kevin, you won't have to worry about me taking any this time, I have money, I promise." He said sort of politely, Kevin shakes his head, a bit confused,"You know my name?" He tilted his head and the child near him sighed, "You have a name tag you know." "Oh, right-" Kevin face palmed a bit as the child began to look around at the candy, he once more returned to whatever he had been doing before, looking up a few times to check on the kid.

   Roy looked around the candy store for a bit, before deciding on some caramel chews for Rob, sour gummy worms for Ross, and some fruit strings for himself, proud of himself for picking everything out, he walks to the counter and towards Kevin, who proceeds to scan the packages of candy very carefully, smiling slightly at seeing the kid so happy.

   "That will be $12.75 please" Kevin says, as Roy hands him the cash, 13 dollars to be exact, he gathers the change while humming a bit of a tune he heard on the radio, "By the way, what's your name?, I know it's a bit weird, asking that and all, but you come in here all the time and you know my name" he said handing him the change finally, he was never that good at math, "Roy, my name is Roy" he said as he was given the bag of candy packages, he stuck the change into his pocket for later, never knowing when he'd need it.

   "Well, I guess I'll see you around then, Roy." Kevin said, waving his hand goodbye to the child as he began walking towards the exit, bag of candy in hand, "Yeah, thanks Kevin, I appreciate you always being so nice to me, even if I can be trouble sometimes, most people I've seen won't do that." The child smiled, not his smile that meant trouble that the man working had been use to seeing every time he was in the store, but a genuine smile, one that seemed warm and happy, it made Kevin feel so happy he was finally able to meet the real Roy, the one that goofed off with his buddies and liked to make them smile, even if he didn't seem like that type of person, and just like that, the child walked out the door, Kevin had to admit, he hoped Roy would come back soon, just so he could check on the child, his home life seemed rough, but like most people he hadn't felt the need to be involved until now, he finally opened up his eyes, gosh if anything ever happened to that kid..


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