Chapter Eleven: A Day in Rivendell

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A/N: After hearing it for the first time, I decided that I will add Bofur's song into this fic. It's just too awesome not to be added. But then I realised that I can't fit it into my dinner-scene, and I don't want to change that. So I came up with this chapter. Breakfast with singing Bofur is served! :)

The green dress Sara got from Arwen is like the one in the picture above, except that it's full-length instead of just knee-high.

Sara's POV

"Sara, wake up."

I groaned and snuggled deeper into my pillow. I heard the one trying to wake me chuckle while continuing to lightly shake my shoulder.

"Honestly, Sara, sometimes you are harder to get up than Fíli and Kíli were as children." A deep, amused sounding baritone voice said.

"Did you have anything important or did you wake me up just for the fun of it?" I asked dryly.

"Others left for the breakfast ten minutes ago. I thought it'd be better to wake you up before Bombur eats it all." Thorin replied. I didn't have to look to see a grin on his face; I could hear it in his voice. Since when had he been this humorous?

"Right, I'll be there soon." I mumbled.

I jumped out of the bed as soon as Thorin had closed the door behind himself and went for the wardrobe. After a short moment of hesitation I chose to wear the green dress Arwen had given to me. I didn't try to braid my hair myself, though, nor did I tie it up on the almost-traditional pony-tail. Today I would just brush my hair through and let it be.

A glance at the mirror showed me how perfectly the dress fit, highlighting both my curves and eye colour. Another thing what mirror showed was dark circles under my eyes. But there was nothing I could do to them.

Thank you, nightmares. I thought sourly. The lack of sleep really didn't suit me too well. It never had.

As I opened the door I saw that Thorin had waited for me outside.

"You look terrible", he said as I closed the door behind me, and I could tell from his face the moment he realised how I could take his words. "No, I mean, you look beautiful, like you always do, but then you look terrible, in a... well, in an unrest way." I listened to his prattle with greatest amuse; it was not every day that you caught the mighty Thorin Oakenshield stumbling over his words like that.

"Got it", I laughed. "And what comes to my looks, you'd probably look just as stunning if you had hardly slept."

Thorin pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered something unintelligible.

"Did you sleep at all?" He asked.

"I did. Restless dreams. Shall we go to the breakfast now, before Bombur eats it all?" I replied, trying to change the topic. Thorin didn't catch that, though.

"I'm sorry, Sara. Had I known that -"

"You couldn't have known." I interrupted him. I certainly didn't want him to feel guilty for waking me up, that was utmost ridiculous.

"But -"

"Thorin, shut up. You couldn't have known and that's the end of this discussion. Shall we go to that breakfast now, before Bombur does eat it all?"

Thorin nodded and we walked to the dining hall in comfortable silence.

"Do you want to talk about it later? About your dreams?" Thorin asked after a while.

"That's kind from you, but there's no need. I don't even remember what happened anymore." I replied with a smile.

"Anyway, if you at any time need someone to talk to, you can come to me."

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