Chapter Ten: A Way to Spend Time

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A/N: I just came back home from visiting my family, I'm dead tired and I still need to take a shower before I can go to sleep, and regardless of all that I chose to turn on my computer and update this story first. Got priorities sorted out, right? ;)

Fíli's POV

When we left dining hall I thought it would be time to start forming plan out of my idea.

"Bofur, come here for a moment."

The mentioned dwarf came where Kíli and I were, behind everyone else.

"What's it, lad?" Bofur asked.

"You saw the way Uncle and Sara behaved during dinner, didn't you?"

The wide grin on toymaker's face told me he had.

"I've got an idea." I continued and proceeded to tell Bofur and my brother what I had come up with.

"So, what do you think?" I asked when I had explained the plan.

"I'm in!" Kíli said immediately.

"Likewise", Bofur added. "This is goin' ter be so much fun."

"Yes, it is."


Sara's POV

"No. Absolutely not."

As soon as Thorin, Balin and Bilbo had followed Elrond and Gandalf somewhere, Fíli and Kíli had started to besiege me, suggesting that mental idea of theirs.

"C'mon, Sara, it would be a fun way to spend time!" Kíli tried again.

"But I'm not that good dancer!" I tried.

"Neither are we." Fíli said.

"But that's the point: you don't have to be perfect." Kíli continued.

"But I don't know any dances you dance here!"

"More reason for you to say yes." Fíli said. "If you are going to stay here in Middle Earth for the rest of your life you definitely need to know some of local dances."

I realised I had talked myself into dead end here. Light! Those two knew how to be insufferable!

Just like their uncle.

"Fine!" I shouted throwing my hands in the air. "If that makes you two shut your mouths, I surrender!"

"Excellent!" Fíli and Kíli replied in unison.

When we arrived to Eastern Hall Fíli and Kíli started immediately teach me the first dance. We went it through slowly first, Kíli showing me my steps.

"That's it." Fíli said when we finished "practice round", as youngsters called it. "Do you think you would be ready to try that into music?"

"I think so."

"Bofur! Music, if you please!" Kíli called and stepped aside. Bofur took his flute and played a small sample first to give us idea of speed. It was a bit faster than I had expected.

"And here we go!" Bofur exclaimed and began playing song.

I had forgotten how good it felt to surrender in a dance. Finally I let my last remnants of resistance fall and just enjoyed dancing.

"Not that good dancer, eh?" Fíli asked while spinning me around.

"You just spoke my words."

Fíli just chuckled and we continued dancing.

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