Chapter Three: I Can

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A/N: Just a little mention of the song I linked to this chapter: I heard this for the first time a few months back, and immediately thought that it describes quite well Sara's nature. She indeed is hard to break, just like the ground she grew up on; Saldaea, as one of the Borderlands, isn't exactly an easy place to grow up in.

Fíli's POV

It was still rather early when I was shaken awake by Dwalin, who turned to wake Kíli right after seeing that I was awake, though someone – Bombur, most likely – had already got a head start at preparing breakfast. The scent of bacon and eggs floating from the kitchen was unmistakeable.

The breakfast was rather silent when compared to the merriment of last night, with more than half of us still drowsy and bleary-eyed after having just woken up. I, too, was part of that more silent half, even though in my case it was more because of thinking than being still drowsy.

It was interesting, to put it lightly, how Sara had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, proved almost unbelievable story true and woven her way into our travelling company in the course of a single night. But, on the other hand, she was interesting on many more levels than just that. At first glance she looked just like any other young woman I had seen among the race of Men, but there was something about her… something I couldn’t just quite put my finger on. Whatever that something was, I was perfectly sure that there was much more into her than the first appearance had let on.

“Morning”, Kíli muttered, still rubbing his eyes as he took a seat next to me. He had always been a slow one to wake, my brother.

“Well good morning brother dear”, I replied cheerily. “Slept well?”

Kíli just grunted and reached blindly for some bacon. Chuckling, I turned my attention back to my own breakfast.

“Have you got any idea what might’ve happened to her?” Kíli asked silently after a short while.

“So you noticed it too, then?”

Kíli snorted.

“She seemed to enjoy herself last night, yet there also was a constant forced edge around her. Her smiles fell just short of reaching her eyes and there’s sadness so deep in her eyes that it’d make even stone cry out of compassion should it look her into eyes for too long. I’m not blind, Fee.”

“I’ll give you that. And back to your original question, no, I’ve got no idea. But whatever it was, it was something big.”

“Do you think we could try and cheer her up?”

“It certainly won’t hurt to try.” I agreed. “And speaking of our new female companion, should Sara be informed that we’re leaving? She signed the contract after all.” I asked no one in particular.

“Do as you wish.” Uncle replied somewhat grumpily, after which I took me leave and headed towards the bedroom she had been carried into after she fell asleep last night.


Sara’s POV

I slowly woke to the sound of someone knocking on a door.

“Mmhyes?” I mumbled, stretching my arms with a great yawn.

The door to the room was opened and Fíli peeked in.

“We are leaving. If you still want to come with us, you’d better get up and ready.” The young dwarf said.

I rubbed off the last remnants of sleep and nodded.

“How much time do I have?”

“About half an hour.”

“That’ll do then. Now if you would excuse me…”

Home Is Where Your Heart Is (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें