Chapter Eight: Untold Secret

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A/N: Just a little notion here. Chapter ten should be out in two weeks' time, and I haven't yet got any answers to my plea of help, so I repeat what I said back then. I'd be very, very grateful if someone could help me with dancing terminology. I'm not going to delay publishing of that chapter just because of a few misused terms, tough, so... well, it's up to you. *shrugs*

Sara's POV

"I can order rooms to be prepared for you, assuming that you'd like to have a little rest and refreshment before dinner later this evening." Elrond offered.

"We'll stick together." Thorin said immediately.

"I must disagree with that." I commented. "I would be delighted to have a chance for little refreshment."

"Sara -" Thorin began but I cut him off.

"You are not my king, Thorin Oakenshield. And even though I am part of your company, I'd say that you owe me this."

I didn't need to say more; Thorin looked quickly in Kíli's direction before nodding. As soon as the words had left my mouth, though, I came to regret them; back in the cave I had told Thorin I would've helped Kíli anyway, and that was the simple truth. I didn't hold him to any kind of debt, I never would. But sometimes - well, most of the time - he was just so stubborn, so if my words, even if unconsidered, had had a desired effect, I wasn't going to make any bigger fool of myself than I already was.

Elrond spoke to a passing elf, who nodded and hurried away, before speaking to us.

"In that case I'll let you stay in Eastern Hall, for it is wide enough for your whole company. And your lady will have a room close to the Hall, Thorin Oakenshield."

"Guess that'll do." Thorin grunted.

"He means to thank you for your generosity, Lord Elrond." I said right after Thorin, trying to save the situation. Thorin threw me a dirty look, to which I replied with a smile. If he thought that I'd cower under those glares of his, he'd be going to find out he was very much mistaken at that.

Elrond looked at me amusedly.

"If you could follow me, then", he said before turning to lead us away from the courtyard.

"What in Durin's name was that about?" Thorin asked sternly when we went after our host.

"You really should try and act more politely, Thorin. We need his help after all." I replied calmly.

"There was no need to humiliate me in front of that elf like that."

"I humiliated no one. I just said what you were seemingly too stubborn to say at the moment."

Thorin opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. With that pounding headache I had, my patience was growing very thin.

"Look, Thorin, if you want me to keep my mouth shut in situations like that, you need to act politely. What if the situation was the other way around? That he was the one appearing on your doorstep asking for your help?"

He just shook his head and we continued on in silence.

"This is your room, Lady..." Elrond said finally, coming to stop in front one door.

"Miss is enough, Lord Elrond. And the name is Sarainya."

"Very well, then, Miss Sarainya, do you want to take your bag into your room before we continue to Eastern Hall?"

"Yes, please. It won't take long." I said and went into the room.

The room given to me was spacious and light. There was a large bed in the corner of the room, which was separated from rest of room with translucent curtains, and a wardrobe on the opposite wall. The rest of the room was filled with a table and three divans. I also had a balcony, and opening the only other door in the room I found a private bathing chamber.

Home Is Where Your Heart Is (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें