Adventure Awaits!

Start bij het begin

"Hey look a island!" Luffy eyes snapped open by the second he heard a island he immediately jump up and saw that there is an Island.

"About time! I'm getting tired of boring old seas." He exclaimed as he grinned and jump off Sunny's head and into the ship joining his friends as they were looking at the new island, as he joined Usopp and Chopper on the rails.

"Hey Nami! When are we gonna be there!" He excitingly said as he jumps up and down while holding onto the rails, while Usopp and Chopper yelled after him. "Yeah! When? When?" They cheered as Nami yells "Be patient!" Then sighs as she scowls "like a bunch of impatient monkeys" then Sanji joined in "Yeah shut up you goofballs! And be patient for Nami-San!" He yells at them and Zoro joined in.

"Jeez can anything shut you up, stupid cook?" Zoro mumbled, but Sanji heard him. "What did you say marimo?! Come at me!" Sanji Barks as he and Zoro got into a fight again.

Morons... Nami thought hopelessly as she witness the two monsters fought. As she felt a hand oh her shoulder. "About time we approach a island, I'm wondering if there's any ruins here." Robin says as she comes to see the island, "Oh! Hey Robin." And Robin smiled back.

Luffy was already getting impatient as he yells for Nami again, "we're almost there captain!" Nami yells back and smiles as they approach the island closely.

Approaching the island:
Luffy was the first one who got off the ship as he ran off onto the sand, then off to the woods.

"Luffy wait!" Nami yells after him but it was too late Luffy already disappears onto the woods, "That idiot! Sanji go after him!" She turns to Sanji, as Sanji replied "anything for you Nami-San! Luffy! Get your ass back here!" He screams after Luffy as he ran after him.

Nami turns to Zoro, "You too, go after them." As Zoro scoff "why? The dart brows is after the idiot so why you want me to go after them?" Bonk!
"Stupid woman... forcing me to go." He mumbles as he walk towards where the other two ran off, but ended up going to the other direction.

"Hey Zoro! That's the wrong way!" Chopper yells after him, as Nami and Usopp comically fell, Zoro turns red and yelled back "I know that!" And went to the other direction, this time Nami yelled after him.
"Wrong way idiot!" She barks as Chopper shakes his head as he said "I'm gonna make a cure for that condition of his." He sweatdropped as Usopp nodded.

He looks back up and see that Zoro is already gone "AUGH WHERE DID HE GO?!" Chopper scream, and Usopp scream after him with his eye popping "DID HE JUST GOT LOST?" And Nami face palmed herself, she forgot that Zoro is an idiot and often get lost, "what was I thinking? Zoro is an idiot as the other two." She mutters as she took her hand from her head.

"Okay new plan! Usopp, Chopper, and Robin!" She turns to them. "Let's go get the idiots before they cause trouble." Nami says as Usopp and Chopper cheered "yeah!" And Robin only nodded then her head turn to the other two. "Franky, Brook dock the ship, and once you done come and join us!" Nami said at-last.

Franky got into his super pose as he yells "YOW! You can SUPER count on us!"

"Yosh, let's go!" Nami turns toward the island until Brook stops her. "Ah, but Nami-San, how are we gonna reunite? If your going to run off to the woods?" He ask as Nami look off the distance of the island and see a little festive village. She pointed toward the village and replied.

"We'll meet up in the village, but for now let's go look for them!" She got off the Sunny as the other two follow along, Robin decide to go her way by having her hands as staircases, leaving the two straw-hats on the ship preparing to dock the ship.

"We'll meet you guys in the village, see y'a!" Chopper yells as they all ran off towards the woods.
The two strawhats stand as they watch them disappear onto the woods. "Welp!" Franky said "come on Brook, help me dock the ship somewhere else." Franky says as he turns around, but Brook stands there as the wind blew through his Afro hair, he took a deep breathe (although he don't have a nose YOHOHOHOHOHOHO-) and turn to Franky who is already at the steering wheel.

One Piece: Monarch Film.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu