Chapter 26 - Kitty Section Rehearsal

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"Closer, closer. Just like that! Now, smile!" Adrien and I both plastered on our model smiles, watching as the photographer snapped the picture. We were standing in front of the restaurant - and I had on this god-awful dress that they made me wear for the shoot. Adrien and I were matching colors, black and white, however mine was more of a long sleeved striped dress that rested just below the knees. Paired with the dress was a pair of black knee-high socks, and white combat boots. On any other occasion this might have been a nice outfit, but stripes were definitely not my thing.

Adrien on the other hand looked quite handsome in his get-up. Wearing his all black suit and tie, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows to show off his arms. Over his shoulder was a white suit-jacket, and he wore a black fedora. How he can get more handsome was another thing altogether - he was already sexy as it was.

"Great shoot today," the photographer smiled sweetly at us, making me cringe though I didn't allow myself to look uncomfortable in front of them. "I'm sure there is another shoot tomorrow at this time. Don't be late!" He wiggled his fingers at us, as if we were ever late. Even though modeling wasn't our first choice of career we had to be here.

For our parents sake.

A crowd had formed around us; whispering could be heard and I noticed a tint of blue hair, and red. I beamed, taking a hold of Adrien's hand and pulling him with me. The boy yelped but allowed me to tug him along. "Marinette! Alya!" I grinned when I saw my friends, who were giving us beaming smiles.

"We saw you guys were having a photo-shoot and decided to wait so we could hang out!" Alya grinned at me as Adrien finally walked over to my side, but didn't bother to remove his hand from my grasp. Which I didn't mind. I liked holding his hand.

"I like the outfits, by the way!" Marinette glanced over between us, making me cringe.

"I miss my gingham!" I whined, pulling at the dress with my free hand. "Adrien of course looks great in his though," I teased him, earning a smirk from the male as he brought me closer to him - wrapping an arm around my waist. I squeaked in surprise, he normally wasn't one to show this in public.

Maybe he was growing more confident in our relationship?

"Ooohhh," Alya teased, making me roll my eyes - though I snuggled deeper into Adrien's arms.

"We were heading over to watch Luka and his band perform, you can come with us if you want?" Marinette asked, tilting her head to the side. It would be nice to see Luka again. I didn't get to see the boy much, which was fine - he was Marinette's boyfriend. We weren't all that close, and I wasn't really even close to Juleka or Rose - though I would like to be.

I glanced over at Adrien, silently asking if he wanted to go. I didn't know if he had anything else planned for tonight - or if he had to leave to go do something. Not that it would stop me from going. Just because we were dating didn't mean that I couldn't do anything fun for myself.

"Sure, I enjoy listening to them play!" Adrien beamed and so we were on our way towards the ship where the Couffaine's lived.

One thing I did love in Paris was how everything was so accessible by walking. We made little haste walking towards the Couffaine's, talking a mile a minute about miniscule things. Our friendship was just so relaxed, so care-free and I cherished every minute of it.

Already sound was blasting from the ship as we made our way aboard it. Kitty Section was doing sound checks, and I grinned when I saw my school friends. Ivan, Rose and Juleka all stood on the make-shift stage - probably practicing for when Jagged Stone was coming in for their opening song.

"Looking good guys!" I called out to them as we made it onto the deck. Each one of their heads snapped up, Rose squealing when she saw me. I automatically caught her when she barreled into me, oofing at the sheer force of the hug.

Nebula - Adrien AgresteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant