Chapter 6 - Welcome to Team Miraculous

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I was nervous for the meeting with Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Being a new superhero, I had no idea what they would even want to talk about. Some of me knew that she probably wanted to lay down some ground rules, considering she was technically the leader of the Miraculous Squad. While her high status did make a lot of sense for everything she has done for Paris, I had a feeling her greater than thou attitude was going to get real old, real quickly.

Though if I wanted to continue being a superhero I'd have to deal with it. Thus why I found myself scaling the buildings of Paris, looking for any signs of the ladybug themed hero, as well as the cat. I had no idea where she even wanted to meet, which had me scaling up the Eiffel Tower. It seemed like the most inconspicuous place, and it was quite thrilling being able to just leap up the tallest architecture in the city.

Making it to the top I notice right away the black-feline hero. He seemed lost, and a forlorn aura captivated him. It made me frown as I walked over to him, tapping his shoulder. He jumped, whirling around and making me giggle at the affronted look on his face. "Don't do that!" He gasped, placing a hand on his heart to steady his breathing.

I slowed my laughter, giving the kitty a wide smirk. "Didn't expect to see you here early," I wanted to be early to make a good impression, though without knowing the exact location that had been more difficult than anything. I was glad I had spotted him up here or else I'd still be scaling the city.

At the comment he shrugged, looking a bit sheepish. "I'd rather be here than at home," he admitted sadly, which broke my heart. Though I could understand that feeling. I had only been home for a few moments, mostly to check in with my mother so that she knew I was alive. Not that she would care honestly, and I highly doubted that she'd even notice my absence even if I hadn't showed up to check in with her. She was quite absorbed with herself and didn't really care what other people thought.

"I can understand that..." I admitted as well, making his eyes widen. Before he could ask anything else Ladybug landed beside me, placing her hands on her hips heroically. "Howdy do, Ladybug," I greeted, glad to have skipped an awkward conversation with the tom cat.

Ladybug raised an eyebrow at that greeting, though didn't comment on it. "I should formally welcome you to the team, Nebula. If you're going to be a Miraculous member then we all pitch in with our own part. We take turns with patrols. Since there are three of us now permanently on the team, that will make things a lot easier with school and other activities." She began and I nodded my head. That made a lot of sense, and I could see how having an extra member would be helpful. "We alternate between nights," she added, gesturing between her and Chat Noir.

"I can do that," I nodded my head, understanding the reasoning. We needed to make sure that nothing out of the ordinary happened. "What if we can't because of personal reasons in our civilian life?" I wondered out loud.

"Let one of us know," Ladybug instructed. "We can pitch in if needed."

"I'm always willing to take up extra shifts," Chat Noir added, his tail twitching behind him. I wondered if he was more a part of his suit or if the suit just matched what he was feeling. "Better than being at home at any rate most nights." There was that comment again. I wondered what was so bad about his home life that he would rather be out here instead of chilling back at home? Though parts of me understood, with how my mother treated me, as if I was some sort of object that she could just control and bend to her will.

I made sure to make a mental note of everything that was being said. "You said that we were permanent members. Does that mean that there are part time members as well?" Though I knew that, with Rena Rogue often showing up when needed. I had thought she was the only other hero.

Nebula - Adrien AgresteWhere stories live. Discover now