Chapter 15 - A Wondrous new friendship... maybe...

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"So, you and Adrien, huh?" I blinked at that, whipping my head around to see Chloe giving me an amused look. Turns out she wasn't all that bad. Yeah, her attitude I did not like, and the fact she thought she had to make everyone feel low about themselves when she felt low was pathetic. I had promised myself to give her a chance.

After all, everyone could use friendship, right?

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying not to sound interested as I took a bite of some curry. I'd asked her to meet up at the Curry Palooza in town, a place that specializes in... you guessed it, curry. Though this was some of the best chicken curry I've had in a long while.

Chloe rolled her eyes, snorting. "Please, I see the way you two look at each other when the other isn't looking at you. It's obvious." Is it? I frowned at that, though I had grown fond of the blond for a while now - I wasn't at all sure what the feelings were. "If it were anyone else I'd object, but since it's you I can give you a pass." She smirked at me, confidence waving in her tone.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Ha. He wouldn't need permission anyway," I taunted playfully, though it felt good knowing Chloe approved of me. Maybe trying to get to know the girl was a good idea. Stay on her good side and you don't get murked. "He doesn't like me," I countered as her smirk grew.

Though our last few interactions said otherwise. Whenever Remy remotely showed up Adrien got protective, pulling me over to him and making sure Remy wasn't anywhere near me. We've talked a few times since meeting at the park, and I even spoke to some of the girls I used to hang out with at Kingsworth.

Not to brag, but I was a bit of a legend punching Beatrice in the nose.

When I had told Marinette that I was hanging out with Chloe today, she looked appalled. Like I had broken a sacred oath. Adrien, on the other hand, looked thankful that I was trying to befriend his childhood friend. I understood the concept of being friends with benefits, and not in that way. More so in the way where both parents were well known - as in Mayor vs high end fashion designer.

Who else was Adrien going to befriend?

"Oh? So does that mean you like him?" She probed, glee dancing in her eyes. Sometimes I hated the fact she was so perfect. Blond hair, blue-eyed beauty. If she wasn't such a bitch to most people she'd actually be popular. Like she wanted.

I just shrugged, not willing to answer that verbally. Knowing that if I did it would somehow backfire and she'd have more blackmail. Though what I've noticed from Chloe is that if you don't snitch on her, or use her in any way she won't do the same to you. It was a one-way street.

"What made you want to hang out, anyway? I thought you hated me." She admitted when we were finished with our meal. "I wouldn't blame you honestly," she added as an afterthought. "Everyone hates me..." She trailed off with a sigh.

Frowning, I thought about my words. I very well couldn't tell her I admired her justice when she helped the Miraculous team. She didn't know I was Nebula, and it had to stay that way. "Do you know why people hate you?" I asked instead, tilting my head to the side as I watched the gears turn in her head. "You have to treat others the way you want to be treated, Chloe. You've bullied them for so long... I don't know how you're going to get past that." I admitted, scratching the back of my neck. "You'll have to do a lot of groveling, and that doesn't mean throwing parties and inviting them, nor does it mean trying to buy their trust." I warned her as she pouted.

"Then how am I supposed to show them? I know I've been a bit of a bitch... and I've tried to become a better person..." She frowns and I felt that she was genuine. People were used to her being a bitch. I could understand that.

"You'll just have to keep trying," I assured her with a small smile. Consistency was key, and if Chloe really wanted to change and become a better version of herself, then I supported her. I saw that today. I was glad that I decided to try and become her friend.


"So you hung out with Chloe?" Alya, Marinette, Adrien, Nino and I were hanging out in her room. It was the next day, and we were watching Marinette obliterate the boys in a video game. Sadly Luca had been busy and couldn't show up, which was a bummer. I wouldn't have minded getting to know him more.

I sat Indian style on Mari's bed, Alya was dangling her legs over as Adrien peered over Nino's shoulder to watch the gameplay. "Yeah. It wasn't bad. She wants to change, but doesn't know how." I figure that was enough information I could give without ruining the integrity of our newfound friendship.

Alya frowned at that, glancing over to the group. They weren't paying attention to us, which was probably for the best. Marinette definitely had a vendetta against Chloe, though I could understand why on her part. "She'll have a lot of groveling to do," she conceited, nodding her head. "I have no qualms with her, only the fact that she bossed Marinette around so much it brought her even more stress upon the stress she already has. But she won't tell me why she's so stressed out all the time." Huh, that's strange. Marinette is normally so forthcoming of... well.. Everything.

This must be a big thing if she's not telling Alya why she's much more stressed than usual.

I shrugged. "I told her that, so we'll see what happens. I made a promise to Adrien I'd at least try to befriend Chloe," Alya smirked at me, and as if he heard his name Adrien turned to look at us - smiling softly at me before turning back to watch the game. My heart fluttered in my chest. It was shit like what he just did that made people assume we liked each other.

"You two would be so cute together," Alya leaned towards me to whisper, and I felt my face heat up. I could hear giggling and I closed my coat pocket, hoping that Alya didn't hear Gulla from the pocket.

"Look I don't even know my own feelings yet," I whispered to her, not wanting to draw attention. "I think I like him but I want to make sure that it's genuine feelings..." I had feelings for Chat Noir, and the two had similarities that were kind of hard to ignore. But I had wanted to be 100% right about Chat Noir and Adrien being the same person.

Alya gave me an understanding look. "Just know you have people supporting you two," she grinned at me as I blushed. "I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bet going on." She teased and I rolled my eyes. Really, I wouldn't be either.

Though I wouldn't have it any other way.

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