The Battle Against Urizen

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A tentacle went to grab the sword but was shot off by a crossbow bolt as Dante walked to you

Dante: Sorry brother but this

Dante picked up The Devil Sword Sparda

Dante: is mine and this

Dante threw Rebellion at Urizen for it to hit the crystal and fall to the pool of blood underneath him

Urizen: Well Well if you have the sword now it's my turn to activate my power

In the physical plain

A giant red crystal breaks through the earth outside of Liones walls

Jeri: What the?

Guila: What's happening this time

Howz: oh no...

Gil: Everyone run inside

Everyone was shocked as the Crystal did nothing but stayed there spinning ever so slightly as all the Holy Knights went to investigate they slashed at it but didn't damage it

Gow: What's your idea, Grand Master?

Howz: oh perhaps we attack it...

Holy Knights began to attack the giant crystal chopping pieces of it once the crystal was chopped off it was blood and became a liquid

Gria: What do we do now Howzer?

???: Simple

A cloaked individual was standing on the walls

???: Destroy it

Howz: And why should we trust you?

Jeri: because we should

Guila: Trust me Howzer we should

Guila and Jericho then began to attack as blood began to pour

In The Demon Realm

Urizen: So you have men above helping me bleeding power

Meli: What?

An image appeared of The Holy Knights of Liones attacking the crystal

Urizen: it is of no matter

The image disappeared

Urizen: I shall end for you all

Two beams appear from the two sides of his throne and move towards those on the ground constantly sweeping left to right as the sins jump away from the blasts Meliodas dives forward trying to attack Urizen to be blocked by an invisible barrier

Urizen: it won't work as-

Dante: Attack the crystal instead

Meliodas began to attack to crystal as Urizen waved his hand as red crystals fell piercing Meliodas shoulder

Meli: Dammit

Then two tentacles appeared as they dove after Meliodas to be exploded by two arks

Eliz: cover us!

Dante: with pleasure

A giant Red wall was shot at Meliodas and Elizabeth to hit Pollen Garden which protected them

King: Don't think so

Diane: Yeah we'll protect them

Ban: Hunter's Fest

Ban then took all the strength he could from Urizen for him to smirk as Ban looked larger

Ban: Crazy Hunt

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