Overwhelming Violence

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(SilentReader645 said my earlier chapters were bad so I decided to upload this one...I was supposed to upload a chapter last week)

Galand slowly moved forward

???: A power level of 26,000? I can't stop trembling we have to evacuate the civilians

Slader: A member of the Demon race sealed for 3,000 years Galand of the Ten commandments

Merlin: true his power level is more than imagined but somethings off

Merlin: What's his magic

Hawk: Zero? What's going on it must be broken

Merlin: The side effects

Diane: This is our one chance to attack

Galand: So this is where the Humans nest quite a lot has changed in 3,000 years but as usual they're clumped together I suppose some habits never change it's too cramped

Within a few slashes, the city is levelled

Galand: Now it's roomier all right Meliodas & Y/n, I've been wanting to have a sparring match with you

Meliodas dashed at Galand with you in a defensive position and Meli gets stabbed and then two clones appear behind Galand and get the heads cut off then Diane goes in

Diane: Get off him you hear me

Diane swings at Galand to have it swinging back at her

Merlin: let's take a moment to strategize

Galand disappears

Elizabeth: Lady Merlin that was amazing

Y/n: Meli?

Meli: Diane, you okay?

Diane Groans

Arthur: Galand disappeared

Slader: Big sister's telerportation

Merlin: I didn't make him vanish in an instant he leapt several miles beyond my magical power so I'm assuming he withdrew

Y/n: It's not like Galand to-

Galand appears Merlin

Galand: You know its sneaky mages like you that I despise the most

Arthur: Run Merlin Run

You go for a slash at Galand to have it rejected and be punched several feet away and then Slader appears Merlin

Slader: Overpower ... This intimidating presence of his it's like a mountain

Then Slader gets his right arm cut in half

Merlin: Wait let's make a deal


Merlin: Galand of the ten commandments we will give anything your people desire

Y/n: Did merlin lie?

Meliodas: Galand can't be

Hawk: What is that monster

Galand: You lied! didn't you

???: The great magician Merlin is turned to stone

Galand: Should you lie in my presence and no matter who you are you'll be turned into stone

Then Meliodas Attacks Galand

Hawk: Meliodas's power rose 4,400

Knights: Follow sir Meliodases lead

Then Galand starts to destroy a swarm of Holy Knights and You and Meliodas are struggling to keep up with Galand

Eli: Oh no Sir Meliodas & Sir Y/n

Hawk: This is crazy he's way too powerful

Eli: Please end this leave here and stop killing everyone

Meli: Guess there's no choice I'm gonna have to do it...if this happens now while Merlin's spell is still in effect

Y/n: I'll try and contain you if it comes to that

Meliodas's body starts to regenerate due to the darkness

Eli: Did you see that

Hawk: I haven't seen him like this since the fighting festival...And his power level is 13,000

Meliodas started to assault Galand

Diane: Captain! ... you okay?

Y/n: Don't let the darkness swallow you keep it under control!

Galand: Would you stop talking

Hawk: This is unbelievable somehow Meliodas is controlling all of it

Galand: Wait this power...is weaken to this much of a degree

Galand throws his spear, you attempt to block it but fail and it puncturing you and Meliodas

Galand: Now I've lost interest...Time can be painful

Eli: Sir Meliodas

Galand: The traitorous warriors Meliodas and Y/n

And Darkness....Gowther?

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