The One Twisted By Darkness

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Howz: All right everyone begins your advance

Gowther then felt an enormous presence appearing

King: This presence no doubt

???: There are only two surrounding them

it was Derieri and Monspiet

Eliz: Derieri, Monspiet is that you?

This is a tale before Ancient times an era before humans and none human worlds were forever divided Melidoas has Awakened as the leader of the Ten Commandments and to save Britannia now enveloped in Darkness and to save her beloved from destruction a princess makes a decision the immortal order of Knights the Seven Deadly Sins will rise

In Liones

???: That was magnificent Sir Dreyfus

Drey: how is the southern gate

???: The north and west had minimal damage

Drey: Roars of Dawn are something and that tomboy Jericho there meets more than the eye

???: A new report a powerful entity has appeared at the east gate and Griamore units have been decimated

Drey: What?

Griamore was stabbed by a silver demon

Drey: I can't attack from here don't let my son be taken from me again, please

A rumble underneath appeared causing the silver demon to jump back it was Fraudrin who then immediately swatted it away killing it

Frau: I'm sorry...

At Sweep team

Eliz: Derieri?

O/n: That's....

Death: The Ten Commandments that killed Sir Denzel

Deathpeirce then begins charging

Eliz: Wait they have no intention of fighting

Deathpierce struck however the blade shattered

Eliz: What happened?

Deri: we don't know what to do...except

Mons: Estarossa attacked us asking about the commandments we posses

Estarossa then was approaching

Esta: Found you two!

Sar & Tar: That's!

Esta: And even better this day can't get any better Evil Hound

A giant dark wolf appeared and began going around Elizabeth, Derieri and Monspiet

Eliz: Everybody

Esta: I have no idea how you got away from my Brother but lucky for me none the less Elizabeth Meliodas's lover and Derieri Y/n's lover

Deri: How dare yo-

Esta: Derieri I'll have your commandment

Eliz: you confirmed it Meliodas wants to become the Demon King

Esta: Meliodas the Demon King?

Eliz: I won't let you

Esta: how abou-

Estarossa was flown away in an ark

Esta: pushing me away makes me want to take you even more

Sar: I'm surprised your unscathed

Esta: This presence

Sar: I shouldn't expect from Estarossa

Esta: Where's that uptight Ludociel? and who...Ma...Mael that's right I killed him

Derieri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now