Bloodcurdling Affection

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At an odd location, Dreyfus is chained to a chair

Dreyfus: So you finally shot up? Captain of the Pleiades of the Azure sky... Denzel

Denzel: You look like Dreyfus but you're not this is a research building built inside Zeldon... The remote to which you expelled us does that sound familiar, having predicted the holy war, King Bartra secretly had this place built so that even after being sent away from the kingdom however I could continue my research on the Demon race

Dreyfus: So, what is it you want to ask me? You're the younger brother of Bartra

Denzel: It doesn't matter

Denzel stabs Dreyfus and Dreyfus groans

Dreyfus: Y-You bastard

Denzel: A sword that's been purified by Druid prayers for several years is effective

Dreyfus: This body belongs to one of your own comrades

Dreyfus kicks the chair breaking it then breaks the chains, then removes the sword from his body

Dreyfus: It seems you're determined to have me killed

Denzel: What I want to prove today is that even a human can defeat an ancient Demon this is all for the greater good I'm sure that Dreyfus would gladly give his life

With Diane

Diane is doing dancing

Diane: Something like this

Matrona: Awful

Diane: What's the difference between mine and yours Matrona

Matrona: All of it

???: you stink!

???: Mom's way better than you

Diane: Beat it brats!

???: Runaway we made her mad

Matrona: Forgive them, it's just how kids are

Diane: But you surprised me, you were still alive and have kids too

Matrona: Zol and Della are his late wife's children but I love them as my own

Diane laughs

Matrona: What is it?

Diane: You've changed Matrona until yesterday you did nothing but fight now you're like a different person

Matrona: That was 16 years ago

Diane: Oh, that's right that day you were bearly alive and Zalpa came to your rescue?

Matrona: yes, after administering the proper treatment he nursed me for three days and nights without sleep but the real reason I was saved, Diane was also thanks to you a few days prior to that during a battle against barbarians do you remember how you spared several and allowed them to escape?

Diane: Yes

Matrona: Zalpa was one of them if not for the leniency that I scorned if not for your kindness...I'd never would've thought I would've lived to meet Zalpa or to be reunited with you so thank you a-anyway you say you've lost all your memories for the last 16 years what happened?

Diane: Even if you ask I don't know anything

Matrona: Even being attacked by those monsters yesterday?

Diane has terrible memories of the Commandments

Diane: No NO I'm scared

Matrona: Who were those guys...I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you...okay let's not talk about this anymore and we can resume dancing at a later point

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