To Our Captain

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Zeldris had started to take action to retrieve Meliodas when two members of the Demon Race appeared, Chanler and Cusack The former masters of Meliodas and Zeldris respectively then Chandler attacks the seven deadly sins and displayed his overwhelming power to protect Meliodas King Gowther was about to perform a combo move

Chan: That looks like it's dangerous if it hits me but it won't work on me and you know what I mean Gowther

Gow: he can use Full Counter

Diane: But how can that be?

Gow: Trust me and we'll definitely hit him

King: yes

Gowther fired it without signal

Chan: No signal? How boring! Full counter

He deflected an illusion

Gow: NOW!!!

King fired the Celestial arrow

Gow: Unleashing Full Counter mid-air will throw you off balance it takes two full seconds for an experienced mage such as Chanler to use it again and that is more than a window

Chan: Full counter!

It did nothing and Celestial Arrow hit him slamming him to the ground and causing a giant mushroom cloud to appear as a result

This is a tale before Ancient times an era before humans and none human worlds were forever divided Melidoas has Awakened as the leader of the Ten Commandments and to save Britannia now enveloped in Darkness and to save her beloved from destruction a princess makes a decision the immortal order of Knights the Seven Deadly Sins will rise

Hawk: Bulleye

Diane: that was amazing

King then transformed his sacred treasure back into a pillow and King and Gowther fist-bumped

Hawk: hey look out there's-

King: It's no matter Spirit Spear Chastiefol Fifth Configuration Increase

Gowther: There's only one life form... KING

The two look at each other

Chan: Full Counter

All of King's attack is completely deflected which tore through his armour

Eliz: Diane! King!

Hawk: the heck happened

Gow: it can't be

Chan: So straightforward no planning or strategy with simplistic attacks

It was Chandler

Chan: However they can be returned several times and can greatly increase the potency of a fairy

Gow: It was a direct hit so you should have some damage

Chan: Quite the power in one blow you destroyed the magical barrier I put up

Chanler wiped some of the blood onto his finger

Chan: I didn't block it so I took some to immobilise you

Chandler drew a symbol on his hand

Chan: Absolute order

The symbol also appeared knocking Gowther off Hawk

Chan: I under this contract forbid you from defying my orders, Stay out of My Way

Hawk runs over

Hawk: What happened

Chan: Now the time has come for me to Kill you and have the young master returned to me now how to kill you... burn you? Boil you? Shred you? Pierce you? Gouge you? Crush you?... I've decided on Dragon's Claw

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