Let There Be Light

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Drole: He's from the Ten Commandments

Gloxinia: I know but we don't stand a chance

Drole: I think we take a run-

Y/n: If you run away or flee you will be cursed by his commandment don't run no matter what!

You doge a lazar beam

Y/n: Alright you

Gloxinia: Easier said than done

Calamidas wacks Diane with a hammer

Drole: Don't you lay a finger on my Diane

King throws Basquias

Gloxinia: SO this is Fairy Kings power

Drole: King!

Gloxinia: Diane?!

Drole: Totally fine it just caught me off-guard and I didn't even need Heavy Metal

Gloxinia: The way things are we can hold our own

Calamdias spews blood

Calamidas: Damm Goddess Dogs

In present

Helbram: Wake up Harelequin

Gloxinia; Calling them is pointless their souls are no longer here

Helbram: You can see me?

Gloxinia: We're both faires so we're on the same wavelength are you an acquaintance of King?... Sorry until they complete the trial they won't wake up

Back with Gloxinia and Drole

Gloxinia: Spirit Spear Basquais Second Configuration Guardian, Necrosis

Hi guardian stabs all over his body and then it immobilises his arms

Gloxinia: Diane I sealed off his hands

Drole: Giga Rock

Rock hands immobilise his legs

Calamidas: Evil Breath

Meli: Don't take this personally, Calmadios

Calamidas: Sir Meliodas

Meli: Full counter

Calamidas: Why-

He was destroyed by his own Evil Breath

Drole: Are you finished with that?

Gloxinia: This is no time to relax the Demons are still behind us be... They're gone?

A large amount of the demons left

Gloxinia: Where did they go?

Eliz: They returned home because I told them to

Drole: You had them return home?

Gloxinia: They were on a rampage

Eliz: I just talked to them...no-one wants this war

Meli: Just like Y/n planning on hanging himself after the war!

???: Thanks for your help we weren't completely obliterated

Gloxinia: Ban?! What are you doing here?

???: Who's Ban?

Gloxinia: you look like someone I know

???: Anyway, you guys are the Stigma warriors

Drole: Stigma?

???: The three-way alliance of the Giant and Fairy race led by the Goddess Race...

Meli: We came from the Fairy Kings Forest and we heard this place was under attack

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