Seven Deadly Sins

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A trial imposed by the Ten commandments King and Diane were turned into Gloxinia and Drole were sent to Britannia 3,000 years ago as the Holy War intensified another Gowther appeared and says his objective is to end the Holy War meanwhile the traitorous Rou and the other humans causing Gerhade to be severely injured nearly causes King to lose control of himself but stopped a moment before and makes a safe return. However, for Diane she is not as lucky still caught in the Holy war is met with the unexpected arrival of Zeldris the executioner

End of Recap

Zeldris begins to approach Gowther

Diane: I know him

Zeldris: Gowther, the demon king is furious you must return to prison immediately otherwise this will be considered a betrayal and I'll deal with you here and now

Gowther: here I was hoping to save up as much energy as possible but if I kill you that won't be easy


This is a tale of ancient times an era before the human and non-human world was forever divided, freed from a 3000-year-old seal an elite group from the demon race called the Ten Commandments were awoken in Britannia their fiendish rule extends throughout the land. After a deadly struggle, the Kingdom Liones repelled the Ten Commandments the battle to liberate Britannia was fully underway, spearheading the counterattack was a legendary order of knights known as Seven Deadly Sins.

End of Intro

Drole instantly causes an Avalanche at Zeldris causing him to jump back

Drole: hey guys listen to me Run!

Gowther: you should step back Diane it's too dangerous after all I'm the one he wants

Drole: Don't worry I'm the king of giants right now I can handle him and you need to end the Holy war so just go!

Gowther: Gowther we're leaving

Gowther: Thank you Diane we'll meet again

Zeldris: you must be Drole the Giant King one of the leader's wings of Stigma aren't you?

Drole begins to dance

Zeldris: interesting, this is the renowned dance of Drole's I've heard so much about going through those moves allows him to collect a ridiculous amount of magical power

Drole: Let's do this time to face each other

Zeldris: with that ability to collect magical power it would be such a waste to have you as an enemy

Drole: Giga Crush

Purple Rocks begin to fly out of the earth however Zeldris merely punches them breaking them as he lands

Drole: Now Giga fall

This results in Zeldris being forced to dash, as Drole begins to get ready Zeldris flies at Drole kicking her stomach and being atop him

Drole: No way The Ten Commandments attack didn't even make me flinch Gaia Form

Nothing happens

Drole: What?! My magic power it's not activating

Zeldris: I've sealed your magical power it's alright it can be reversed

Drole: he can do that? even if it can be reversed, I'm the king of the Giants and he just...something different about him he's too powerful

Zeldris: Drole my name is Zeldris I am the one who wields the magical power lent to me by the Demon King that makes me his representative In the mortal plane

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