The Holy War Pact

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To prevent Melidoas from becoming the Demon King Elizabeth has fled Camelot meanwhile Margaret and the others rescue Gilthunder but in exchange, Margaret is possed by one of the Four Archangels Ludociel else where Zeldris and Merlin have been negotiating and then consumed by a blast of light it was an unforeseen attack released by Ludociel

King: What was that massive explosion just now?

Merlin then teleports back

Esca: Thank goodness your safe

merlin: it was an Archangel and now it's our chance to take action

This is a tale before Ancient times an era before humans and none human worlds were forever divided Melidoas has Awakened as the leader of the Ten Commandments and to save Britannia now enveloped in Darkness and to save her beloved from destruction a princess makes a decision the immortal order of Knights the Seven Deadly Sins will rise

Marg: As I thought this vessel was of high Calibur

Gil: Margaret

Hend: Marvelous this changes everything people won't have to live in threat of the Demons

Drey: Hendrickson contain yourself

Gil: Why was it, Margaret

The ball that surrounded Zeldris was gone

Zeld: Those Damm Archangel bastards so you've been resurrected as well Dies Irae

Helblaze surrounds Zeldris's sword opening a portal above Ludociel then fires destroying the monument

At Camelot

Chandler is seen drinking

Chan: What a guy got to do to drink in peace

Meli: Elizabeth where did you go? get back here right this instant

Chan: Now a perfect chance to get rid of the Girl please don't hold this against me

Chandler rips out two parts from his cheek

Chan: Split Traama

The two lumps then turn into two nasty birdied creatures

Chan: Find Elizabetha and Kill her

The Boar hat was above Camelot

Merlin: Here's the plot

Escanor and Hawk blocked an exit

And before the humans could go the other way Diane appears

Diane: Stop or I'll eat you

And then masses are teleported King then uses Sunflower to grab people and then teleported by Merlin as Diane begins scaring them to areas

Eliz: Diane!

Diane: What...Elizabeth! Look out

Elizabeth turns to have her forehead cut open and before it could kill her Diane snatches Elizabeth and steps on the weird birdaloid

Diane: are you alright

Merlin: Diane we've got them all

Diane jumps up and hops on the boar hat which is teleported away the pile of goo is absorbed by Chandler

Chan: Failed to kill her but at least she won't be with the Master

at the Tavern

Hawk: he wasn't doing anything pervy right?

King: nows not the best time

Eliz: listen Melidoas is making his brothers retrieve the commandments but we need to stop that

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