Chapter-38(Not more than my heart)

Start from the beginning

Magnus stood up and try to grip his hand but Alec moved back.
Alec: If you stop me again I'll kill myself..
He said while crying. He couldn't see Magnus in pain. He was already bleeding Alec know he hurt Magnus but it's not a time for fight. Magnus need treatment.

Magnus knew Alec isn't a person who killed himself but the way Alec behave wierd and it's scared him. He loves him this much then why he left him. Magnus shook his head and said.
Mags: Okay okay.. Come here and do what you want..

Alec came near him but he put the scissor away from Magnus. He sat on the floor and held Magnus legs and cleaned the blood before bandaging. He cried while doing it. Magnus looked away and leaned on the sofa.

He didn't know when the pieces went stabbed into his sole. Because the painful memories consumed him. So he walked without noticing anything. He whined when Alec gave a treatment.

Alec: I'm sorry.. Sorry..
Magnus saw concern and the teary eyes.
Alec: Is this hurt so much? Come on we can go to hospital..
Mags: Not more than my heart.. You can leave now I can manage..
He said looked away. Alec wiped his tears and stood up.

Alec: D-did you got your m-memories back?
He asked with a fear. Magnus nodded and try to stood up. But he failed.
Mags: I said get out of my house..
He said when Alec leaned to help him but Alec carried him and walked towards Magnus room.

Magnus straggled but Alec didn't care. There are three rooms in Magnus house. But Alec found which one is Magnus just looks at the door. He put Magnus on the bed. Magnus gave a annoying sound.
Alec: Take Care of yourself.. I'll servants for clean this house..

Mags: Don't act like you caring.. Stop your fucking acting and get out..
Alec looked at Magnus with a hurting face. He knew Magnus will hurt him when he meet him again. But those words gave him a unbearable pain.
Alec: I'm not acting..

Mags: Tell yourself first.. You're fucking liar too.. I asked you did I met you before but you lied to me.. How many times do you lying to me.? Oh god..
Alec: Magnus take rest.. We can talk everything-

Mags: When? What I did to you Alec? Why are you torturing me? You came into my life gave me a beautiful feeling and lived with me and then left me? After two years again met me and act like a nice guy.. This fucking heart again fell on you..(he pointed his heart and cried)
Alec moved near him and said.

Alec: Please don't say my love was acting..
He said with a pleading eyes.
Mags: Yes it is.. You left because your wife was pregnant and you want to live a perfect family.. You fucked me while you fucked her.. You don't know how that news gave me a shock.. I already live like a lifeless man but after I heard this news my soul left me Alec.. You don't have any idea how much I loved you and I trusted you..

He sobbed loudly. Alec cupped his face and said.
Alec: I'm sorry.. I'm sorry Magnus..
But Magnus pushed him forcefully. Alec sat on the floor while crying.
Mags: I thought I don't want to see your face again in my life.. You don't deserve me and I don't deserve true love.. Everyone used me and no one can love me.. I'm a cursed person..

Alec shook his head and said.
Alec: Don't say such a things.. You've a beautiful heart Magnus.. Please I'm sorry..
Mags: Then why left me Alec? We could face anything together but you didn't believe me.. You chose your wife over me.. Because you doesn't love me.. You used me.. You used my body..

Alec stood up and walked towards Magnus. He grip Magnus chin and looked into Magnus eyes.
Alec: Don't you dare to say that again..
Mags: You know it's true..
He said while try to free his face but Alec held him tight. He put his forehead on Magnus.

Alec: Please.. Think the days we loved each other.. Remember the days we made love.. After thought those memories do you think I'm acting? Please don't kill my heart with your mean words.. You know I love you.. I know I can't get your forgiveness.. But please think I only did all because of some reasons..

Magnus looked at him confused. He pulled his face from Alec's grip and said.
Mags: Ohh yeah you want a perfect life so that's a reason you throw me.. Get out.. You're a biggest mistake of life.. I moved here because I couldn't live in the same city you live.. But before I moved here I got accident..
But thank God I moved here because of my mother.. She said I planned already so we moved here.. But now you came again in my life.. Why are you trying to take my happiness away(but he know Alec's only his happiness).. I don't want to see you.. Leave me..

He shouted while crying. Alec felt someone stabbed his heart with a sharp knife. He want to be with him but Magnus words killed him. He couldn't stand properly his breathe stuck in his voice. He got fear of Magnus hate him. He don't want Magnus say that words. He have no strength.

Magnus think Alec torturing him so Alec ready to walk out of the loft. He promised himself to not give up on Magnus but Magnus words gave him a pain like a hell so he thought he want to leave this place now so he ran towards the door and went out of the apartment with a heavy heart.

The tears fell from his eyes continuously. He didn't know what to do but he felt someone put his hand on him. He saw that man it was Jace. Alec hugged him and cried like there's no tomorrow. Jace took him in his car and started driving.

While coming the hotel Alec said everything while crying like a baby. Jace try to comfort him with his voice but it doesn't work. After came into the hotel room Alec lying on the bed crying. He drifted into the sleep while remembering Magnus words..!

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